Build a local development environment with WSL + Docker Desktop for Windows + docker-lambda + Python


Because I had to build a local development environment for AWS Lambda on Windows I will describe my own construction procedure as a memorandum. ** I would like to proceed with reference to the wonderful article ** that can be easily constructed just by doing so.

Environmental information

Prerequisite knowledge

Building WSL

Except for "bonus" and "uninstall" by referring to the wonderful article below

How to install / uninstall WSL

Install Docker Desktop on Windows

Except for "bonus" and "uninstall" by referring to the wonderful article below ** When the docker desktop for windows docker daemon is made available from WSL ** In ** Shared Drives **, check the drive that has your local working directory.

Docker desktop for windows + docker environment with WSL

Prepare the sauce

I have prepared a template for the source used in this article on GitHub. It is released under the MIT License from the link below. Feel free to use it.

Download source code template

Register an alias

Since the new Lambda function is created based on the template source, It is assumed that the commands when running Docker will always be constant. It is difficult to enter it every time, so register the alias in WSL in advance.

Open .bash_aliases in vim (create new if not)

~$ sudo vim ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases

Add the following command to .bash_aliases


alias docrun='docker run -v $(wslpath -m $PWD):/var/task --env-file .env lambci/lambda:python3.6 lambda_function.lambda_handler $(printf "%s" $(cat event.json))'

It's easy, but I'll explain the contents of docrun.

docker run Create and run a container from a Docker image

-v $(wslpath -m $PWD):/var/task: ** Host OS directory: The volume is allocated in the container directory **.

/mnt/d/Program/Python/AWS/docker-lambda $ echo $PWD

So to convert this to the path of the local environment

/mnt/d/Program/Python/AWS/docker-lambda $ echo $(wslpath -m $PWD)

It is said.

--env-file .env Read the environment variable file.

lambci/lambda:python3.6 You are specifying a Docker image.

lambda_function.lambda_handler I'm trying to run lambda_handler in

$(printf "%s" $(cat event.json)) I'm passing the contents of event.json to the argument event of lambda_handler.

Try running a Lambda function


Copy the template source file to your working directory. (Here, it is D: \ Program \ Python \ AWS \ docker-lambda.)


Move to working directory

~$ cd /mnt/d/Program/Python/AWS/docker-lambda/

Execute Lambda function

/mnt/d/Program/Python/AWS/docker-lambda $ docrun
START RequestId: c02ba91d-7783-1719-3b5e-269dfb11c807 Version: $LATEST
event:{'Hello': 'World'}
END RequestId: c02ba91d-7783-1719-3b5e-269dfb11c807
REPORT RequestId: c02ba91d-7783-1719-3b5e-269dfb11c807  Init Duration: 439.63 ms        Duration: 4.32 ms       Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 1536 MB    Max Memory Used: 39 MB

"{\"message\": \"success\"}"

The first time you run it, it starts with Pull of the Docker image. The function is executed after the pull is completed, and if the above display is displayed, the environment construction is complete.


How to install / uninstall WSL Docker desktop for windows + docker environment with WSL Easy to run AWS Lambda environment with docker-lambda I've just started Docker, so I've summarized it in an easy-to-understand manner


I will explain it so that even beginners can understand it as much as possible. If there is something that is difficult to understand or something is wrong I would appreciate it if you could comment.

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