[RUBY] Generate a test account password using Rails SecureRandom.alphanumeric

I'm writing an application with rails. I got an error when I implemented the login function with a test account, so keep a record of the solution I took.

Development environment

Ruby 2.6.5 Rails

Implementation details

I implemented the test login function with the following code.


class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  #Log in as a guest user
  def new_guest
    user = User.find_or_create_by!(nickname: 'Guest user', email: '[email protected]') do |user|
    user.password = SecureRandom.alphanumeric
    sign_in user
    redirect_to root_path, notice: 'You have logged in as a guest user.'


 #Set validation to allow only half-width alphanumeric characters
  PASSWORD_REGEX = /\A(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[\d])[a-z\d]+\z/i.freeze
  validates_format_of :password, with: PASSWORD_REGEX, on: :create, message: 'Please set including both half-width alphabetic characters and half-width numbers.'

Even in the development environment, no error occurred and the test passed, so when I deployed to the production environment, "Sorry, something went wrong." Was displayed.


Because SecureRandom.alphanumeric issued a password with only letters. In the first place, SecureRandom is explained as follows in Reference.

A module that provides an interface for a secure random number generator. Suitable for HTTP session keys, etc.

And alphanumeric is a kind of method of SecureRandom module, which generates random alphanumeric characters. However, it is not always generated by mixing alphanumeric characters.


pry(main)> SecureRandom.alphanumeric
=> "NNCMHbfUbHRQmbwW"

The probability is not high, but as mentioned above, a password with only letters may be generated.


class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  #Log in as a guest user
  def new_guest
    user = User.find_or_create_by!(nickname: 'Guest user', email: '[email protected]') do |user|
    user.password = SecureRandom.alphanumeric(10) + [*'a'..'z'].sample(1).join + [*'0'..'9'].sample(1).join
    sign_in user
    redirect_to root_path, notice: 'You have logged in as a guest user.'

It has become a brute force, but `` ['a'..'z'] .sample (1) .join + [ '0' .. '9'] .sample (1) .joinBy settingto make sure that two characters of letters + numbers are entered at the end of the password, passwords with only letters or numbers are not generated.

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