Breadth-first search / bidirectional search (Python version)

Implemented breadth-first search and bidirectional search of the basic algorithm based on 8 puzzles

Breadth-first search


  1. Generate a start puzzle
  2. Queue the start puzzle
  3. Get the puzzle from the beginning of the queue
  4. Create a new puzzle when you move the puzzle up / down / left / right
  5. If the panel layout of the puzzle is the goal, it ends
  6. Check if the panel layout of the puzzle has appeared
  7. If it has already appeared, repeat from 5 for the puzzle in the next direction.
  8. Store the puzzle in the queue if it hasn't appeared yet
  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for puzzles in each direction
  10. Continue from 3 to 9 until the queue is empty


--Record the panel layout that has already appeared --Keep the panel arrangement that you have passed through in the puzzle object

class Queue:
Queue class for storing puzzle objects
    def __init__(self, puzzle):
        self.puzzle_list = []

    #Add puzzle to the end of the list
    def enqueue(self, puzzle):

    #Get the puzzle from the top of the list
    def dequeue(self):
        return self.puzzle_list.pop(0)

    #Check if the puzzle list is empty
    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self.puzzle_list) == 0

class Puzzle:
Puzzle class with current panel layout, list of checked panel layouts, puzzle size
    def __init__(self, panel_list, state_list, size):
        self.panel_list = panel_list

        #A list that holds the state of the panel arrangement that you have passed through
        self.state_list = state_list

        self.size = size

    #Generator that returns the panel layout when 0 on the panel is moved left, right, up and down
    def gene_next_panel(self, puzzle):
        zero_pos = puzzle.panel_list.index(0)

        col = zero_pos // self.size
        raw = zero_pos % self.size

        def __get_next_panel():
            panel_list = puzzle.panel_list[:]
            n = panel_list[next_pos]
            panel_list[next_pos] = 0
            panel_list[zero_pos] = n
            return panel_list

        if self.size > col + 1:
            next_pos = (col + 1) * self.size + raw
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

        if col - 1 >= 0:
            next_pos = (col - 1) * self.size + raw
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

        if self.size > raw + 1:
            next_pos = col * self.size + raw + 1
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

        if raw - 1 >= 0:
            next_pos = col * self.size + raw - 1
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

    def result_print(self):

        for s in self.state_list:

def breadth_first(size, goal, panel_list):
    puzzle = Puzzle(panel_list, [], size)
    queue = Queue(puzzle)
    checked_dict = {}

    while queue.is_empty() is False:
        puzzle = queue.dequeue()

        for next_panel in puzzle.gene_next_panel(puzzle):
            next_puzzle = Puzzle(list(next_panel), puzzle.state_list[:], size)

            if next_panel in checked_dict:

            if list(next_panel) == goal:
                return next_puzzle

            #Record the panel layout that has already appeared
            checked_dict[next_panel] = True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    size = 3
    goal = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0]
    panel_list = [5, 4, 2, 6, 7, 0, 8, 1, 3]

    puzzle = breadth_first(size, goal, panel_list)


Bidirectional search


  1. Generate a start puzzle
  2. Queue the start puzzle
  3. Generate a goal puzzle
  4. Queue the goal puzzle
  5. Get the puzzle from the beginning of the queue
  6. Generate a panel layout when moving the puzzle up / down / left / right
  7. Check if the panel layout has appeared
  8. If it has already appeared, check the orientation of the puzzle that held the panel layout in the past and the puzzle being checked.
  9. Goal if the puzzles do not match
  10. Store the puzzle in a confirmation dictionary and queue if it hasn't appeared yet
  11. Perform steps 5 to 8 for the generated panel layout in each direction. 12.5 Continue from 5 to 10 until the queue is empty


--Store the puzzle object in the confirmation dictionary --When the same panel layout appears in the past, you can check the passage record of the puzzle object that possessed the panel layout.

class Queue:
Queue class for storing puzzle objects
    def __init__(self, puzzle):
        self.puzzle_list = []

    #Add puzzle to the end of the list
    def enqueue(self, puzzle):

    #Get the puzzle from the top of the list
    def dequeue(self):
        return self.puzzle_list.pop(0)

    #Check if the puzzle list is empty
    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self.puzzle_list) == 0

class Puzzle:
Puzzle class with current panel layout, list of checked panel layouts, puzzle size
    def __init__(self, panel_list, state_list, size, direction):
        self.panel_list = panel_list
        self.state_list = state_list
        self.size = size
        self.direction = direction

    def gene_next_panel(self, puzzle):
        zero_pos = puzzle.panel_list.index(0)

        col = zero_pos // self.size
        raw = zero_pos % self.size

        def __get_next_panel():
            panel_list = puzzle.panel_list[:]
            n = panel_list[next_pos]
            panel_list[next_pos] = 0
            panel_list[zero_pos] = n
            return panel_list

        if self.size > col + 1:
            next_pos = (col + 1) * self.size + raw
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

        if col - 1 >= 0:
            next_pos = (col - 1) * self.size + raw
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

        if self.size > raw + 1:
            next_pos = col * self.size + raw + 1
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

        if raw - 1 >= 0:
            next_pos = col * self.size + raw - 1
            panel_list = __get_next_panel()
            yield tuple(panel_list)

    def result_print(self):

        for s in self.state_list:

    def back_result_print(self):

        for s in self.state_list[::-1]:

def bidirectional_search(size, goal, panel_list):
    start_puzzle = Puzzle(panel_list, [], size, 'S')
    queue = Queue(start_puzzle)
    goal_puzzle = Puzzle(goal, [], size, 'G')

    checked_dict = {}
    checked_dict[tuple(panel_list)] = start_puzzle
    checked_dict[tuple(goal)] = goal_puzzle

    while queue.is_empty() is False:
        puzzle = queue.dequeue()

        for next_panel in puzzle.gene_next_panel(puzzle):

            if next_panel in checked_dict:
                checked_puzzle = checked_dict[next_panel]

                if checked_puzzle.direction != puzzle.direction:
                    return puzzle, checked_puzzle

                new_puzzle = Puzzle(list(next_panel), puzzle.state_list[:], size, puzzle.direction)
                #Store the puzzle in the confirmation dictionary
                checked_dict[next_panel] = new_puzzle

if __name__ == '__main__':
    size = 3
    goal = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0]
    panel_list = [5, 4, 2, 6, 7, 0, 8, 1, 3]

    front_puzzle, back_puzzle = bidirectional_search(size, goal, panel_list)



-Algorithms with Python / Breadth-first search and iterative deepening

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