As it is, deploy it including the library such as, generate a zip with a password on AWS lambda, and store it in the S3 bucket.
The wall stands in front of what I want to do.
I would like to leave here how I got over this wall.
It was developed conveniently using the "Remote-Containers" function of VS Code. Please refer to this article for Remote-Containers.
I don't have to write anything in particular ...
AWS Management Console --Lambda --"Create Function"
"Create from scratch"
Function name "zip-sample"
Runtime "Python 3.8"
Launch VS Code locally and create the following directory structure
└ .devcontainer/
├ Dockerfile
└ devcontainer.json
└ package/
└ requirements.txt
For Dockerfile and devcontainer.json, I got it from source code here. is as follows.
#It is the source code of lambda
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# TODO implement
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')
Let's get started when we're ready. Why can't the zipfile module generate a password-protected zip file! (Abrupt) After investigating, it seems that ** pyminizip ** can generate a zip file with a password. Let's check it immediately.
pyminizip requires zlib (a free library for compressing and decompressing data), so install it.
$ sudo apt install zlib
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package zlib
** I was angry. ** ** Use "zlib1g" instead.
$ sudo apt install zlib1g
Put the following in requirements.txt and type the pip install
$ cd /workspaces/zip-sample
$ pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./package
Add the following to
import json
import os
import pyminizip
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#We will use the tmp directory in consideration of uploading it to lambda later.
zip_path = "/tmp/zip/"
# /tmp/If the zip directory does not exist, create one.
if not os.path.isdir(zip_path):
KEY = "/tmp/hello.txt"
with open(KEY, mode='w') as f:
f.write('this is test.')
password = "password"
compression_level = 9 #Compression level 1-9, the larger the compression, the stronger
#The first argument is an array of file paths to include in the zip file
#The second argument is the hierarchy in the zip file
#The third argument is the location and file name of the zip file.
#The fourth argument is the password
#The fifth argument is the compression level
pyminizip.compress_multiple([KEY], ["\\"], "/tmp/zip/", password, compression_level)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')
#The following is excluded at the time of deployment.
Let's start it below.
$ python
$ ls /tmp/zip
You've done it safely!
Now that you have successfully generated a password-protected zip file locally (docker container), let's deploy it to lambda.
lambda_hundler ('a','a')
in and delete it.$ cd /workspaces/zip-sample/package
$ zip -r ../ .
$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name sample-zip --zip-file fileb://../
After the deployment is completed, let's execute "test" from the AWS Management Console --lambda --sample-zip.
[ERROR] OSError: error in closing \tmp\zip\ (-102)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/", line 78, in lambda_handler
pyminizip.compress_multiple([KEY], ["\\"], r"\tmp\zip\", "password03", 1)
I got scolded
After a lot of research, it seems that this is happening because ** zlib is not included in the deployment package ... **
If you type the following command, it will be included in the deployment package.
$ wget
$ tar -xvzf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
$ cd zlib-1.2.11
$ ./configure --prefix=/workspaces/sample-zip
share lib include/workspaces/sample-zip/Should be able to
$ sudo make install
$ cd /workspaces/sample-zip/
Include share lib include in zip file
$ zip -gr share lib include
$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name sample-zip --zip-file fileb://
As for the linux library, once you do the above, you do not have to change it, so after that you only need to zip the source code.
$ cd /workspaces/zip-sample/package
$ zip -r ../ .
$ aws lambda update-function-code --function-name sample-zip --zip-file fileb://../
After the deployment is completed, let's execute "test" from the AWS Management Console --lambda --sample-zip. **success! ** (should)
The source code after overcoming the wall is as follows.
def lambda_handler(event, context):
zip_path = "/tmp/zip/"
if not os.path.isdir(zip_path):
KEY = '/tmp/hello.txt'
with open(KEY, mode='w') as f:
f.write("this is test.")
password = "password"
compression_level = 9 #Compression level 1-9, the larger the compression, the stronger
pyminizip.compress_multiple([KEY], ["\\"], "/tmp/zip/", password, compression_level)
#Upload the created zip file to s3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.Bucket(BUCKET).upload_file(Filename="/tmp/zip/", Key="")
return {
'status': 200,
'body': 'Processing is finished'
--If you want to create a password-protected zip file in Python, "pyminizip"! --When deploying to lambda, include "zlib" in the deploy package!
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