Second decoction: Try an If expression in Java

The second decoction of "Try If expression in Java".

What can be achieved

For example, you can write FizzBuzz as follows:

    public static void main(String... args) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
            int count = i;
            String fizzBuzzed = 
                    If.<String>test(() -> count % 15 == 0).then(() -> "FizzBuzz")
                    .elif(() -> count % 3 == 0).then(() -> "Fizz")
                    .elif(() -> count % 5 == 0).then(() -> "Buzz")
                    .el(() -> Integer.toString(count));


Because it handles a nullable value as the value of the if expression Create the following generic class.

import java.util.function.Supplier;

 *null can also be taken as a value{@link java.util.Optional}。
 *Methods not used this time are omitted.
public class MayBe<T> {

     *Create an instance where the value exists.
    public static <R> MayBe<R> of(R result) {
        return new MayBe<>(true, result);

     *Create an instance that does not have a value.
    public static <R> MayBe<R> empty() {
        return new MayBe<>(false, null);

    private final boolean isPresent;
    private final T value;

    private MayBe(boolean isPresent, T value) {
        this.isPresent = isPresent;
        this.value = value;

     *Returns whether the value exists.
    public boolean isPresent() {
        return this.isPresent;

     *If the value exists, it returns it, otherwise it returns the value obtained from the argument other.
    public T orElseGet(Supplier<T> other) {
        return isPresent() ? this.value : other.get();


import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class If<R> {

    public static <R> If<R> test(BooleanSupplier predicate) {
        return new If<>(predicate, null);

    private final If<R> prev;
    private final BooleanSupplier predicate;

    private Then<R> then = null;

     * @param predicate A predicate for this if.
     * @param prev If this if is else if, the previous if.
     *Otherwise, null.
    private If(BooleanSupplier predicate, If<R> prev) {
        this.prev = prev;
        this.predicate = predicate;

    public Then<R> then(Supplier<R> valueSupplier) {
        if (this.then != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("`then`Has already been called.");

        return this.then = new Then<>(this, valueSupplier);

     *Evaluate up to this if.
     * @return The value of the evaluation result.
    private MayBe<R> eval() {
        if (this.then == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("`then`Has not been called yet.");

        if (this.prev != null) {
            MayBe<R> prevValue = this.prev.eval();
            if (prevValue.isPresent()) {
                return prevValue;

        return this.predicate.getAsBoolean()
                ? MayBe.of(this.then.getThenValue())
                : MayBe.empty();

     * {@link If#then}The class of the object returned by.
    public static class Then<R> {
        private final If<R> relatedIf;
        private final Supplier<R> thenValueSupplier;

         * @param relatedIf This then if.
         * @param valueSupplier The value to return if this then if is true.
        Then(If<R> relatedIf, Supplier<R> valueSupplier) {
            this.relatedIf = relatedIf;
            this.thenValueSupplier = valueSupplier;

        public If<R> elif(BooleanSupplier predicate) {
            return new If<>(predicate, this.relatedIf);

        public R el(Supplier<R> valueSupplier) {
            return this.relatedIf.eval().orElseGet(valueSupplier);

         *Returns the value if this then if is true.
        R getThenValue() {
            return this.thenValueSupplier.get();


--Only the necessary predicates of if are evaluated. --Only those that need to get the value are evaluated. --You can use else if (ʻelif`), so you don't have to nest deeply.


It's easier to read if it's like an immediate function in JavaScript.

    public static void main(String... args) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
            int count = i;
            String fizzBuzzed = ((Supplier<String>) () -> {
                if (count % 15 == 0) return "FizzBuzz";
                else if (count % 3 == 0) return "Fizz";
                else if (count % 5 == 0) return "Buzz";
                else return Integer.toString(count);

/that's all

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