[JAVA] [Question] About API conversion of chat bot using Python

I made a chat bot using Python and made it work on the command line. So I will implement this as a web API in the future and send the web text of the range selected from the chrome extension to the API (chat bot) with XMLHttpRequest I want to make something like displaying the reply received from the bot on the browser.

What you can do now -Creating a chat bot that works in an offline environment (although it is a poor one that works on the command line) -Send a request to the existing web API using chrome extension and display the result on chrome

What is not done -Running Python chat bot online as an API

The OS is Windows 7, but you can also put LINUX on a sub machine. I thought I googled various things, but even if I found a way to test the operation on the local server, I'm having trouble finding a way to actually run it online.

You can spend money on server rentals, paid services, books, etc., so I would appreciate it if you could teach me where to find the knowledge needed to run python on an actual server instead of a local server.

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