Implementation example of simple LISP processing system (Java version)

[Link article to other language version] Implementation example of simple LISP processing system [Summary of each language version]

This article is an implementation example of a simple LISP processing system ("McCarthy's Original Lisp") that uses an excerpt / modification of the Java version of the following article. It is a summary.

In the case of implementing a LISP processing system with the minimum functions, it is very easy to implement the eval, which is the main body, but rather, S-expression input / output and list processing implementation that perform lexical / parsing are developed. It is summarized for those who have a lot of trouble for each language and it is a threshold.

Overview of processing system

The execution example is as follows. Confirmed with Java 11.0.8.

$ java jmclisp
(car (cdr '(10 20 30)))

$ java jmclisp
((lambda (x) (car (cdr x))) '(abc def ghi))

$ java jmclisp
((lambda (f x y) (f x (f y '()))) 'cons '10 '20)

(10 20)
$ java jmclisp
((lambda (f x y) (f x (f y '())))
 '(lambda (x y) (cons x (cons y '())))
 '10 '20)

(10 (20 ()))
$ java jmclisp
((lambda (assoc k v) (assoc k v))
 '(lambda (k v)
    (cond ((eq v '()) nil)
          ((eq (car (car v)) k)
           (car v))
          ('t (assoc k (cdr v)))))
 '((Apple . 120) (Orange . 210) (Lemmon . 180)))

(Orange . 210)

The implementation contents are as follows.

For more information on "McCarthy's Original Lisp", see Summary Article. Since it is a dynamic scope, lambda expressions are used instead of letrec (Scheme) and labels (Common Lisp) in the execution example.

Implementation example

Complete source code

// JMC Lisp: defined in McCarthy's 1960 paper,
// with S-expression input/output and basic list processing

import java.util.Scanner;

class pair {
  private Object x, y;
  public pair(Object car, Object cdr) {
    x = car; y = cdr;
  public Object car() { return x; }
  public Object cdr() { return y; }

public class jmclisp {
  // basic list processing: cons, car, cdr, eq, atom
  private static Object cons(Object s1, Object s2) {
    return new pair(s1, s2);
  private static Object car(Object s) { return ((pair)s).car(); }
  private static Object cdr(Object s) { return ((pair)s).cdr(); }
  private static Boolean eq(Object s1, Object s2) {
    if (s1 instanceof String && s2 instanceof String) {
      return ((String)s1).equals((String)s2);
    } else {
      return false;
  private static Boolean atom(Object s) { return (s instanceof String); }

  // S-expression output: s_string
  private static Object s_strcons(Object s) {
    Object sa_r = s_string(car(s));
    Object sd = cdr(s);
    if (eq(sd, "nil")) { return sa_r; }
    else if (atom(sd)) {
      return (String)sa_r + " . " + (String)sd;
    } else {
      return (String)sa_r + " " + (String)s_strcons(sd);
  private static Object s_string(Object s) {
    if      (eq(s, "nil")) { return "()"; }
    else if (atom(s)) { return s; }
    else { return "(" + (String)s_strcons(s) + ")"; }

  // lexical analysis for S-expression: s_lex
  private static String[] s_lex(String s) {
    return s.replace("(", " ( ")
            .replace(")", " ) ")
            .replace("'", " ' ")
            .trim().split(" +");

  // abstract syntax tree generator: s_syn
  private static int posl;
  private static String[] rl;
  private static Object quote(Object x) {
    if ((posl >= 0) && (rl[posl]).equals("'")) {
      posl = posl - 1;
      return cons("quote", cons(x, "nil"));
    } else {
      return x;
  private static Object s_syn() {
    String t = rl[posl];
    posl = posl - 1;
    if (t.equals(")")) {
      Object r = (Object)"nil";
      while (!((rl[posl]).equals("("))) {
        if ((rl[posl]).equals(".")) {
          posl = posl - 1;
          r = cons(s_syn(), car(r));
        } else {
          r = cons(s_syn(), r);
      posl = posl - 1;
      return quote(r);
    } else {
      return quote((Object)t);

  // JMC Lisp evaluator: s_eval

  private static Object caar(Object x) { return car(car(x)); }
  private static Object cadr(Object x) { return car(cdr(x)); }
  private static Object cadar(Object x) { return car(cdr(car(x))); }
  private static Object caddr(Object x) { return car(cdr(cdr(x))); }
  private static Object caddar(Object x) { return car(cdr(cdr(car(x)))); }

  private static Boolean s_null(Object x) {
    if (eq(x, "nil")) { return true; }
    else { return false; }

  private static Object s_append(Object x, Object y) {
    if (s_null(x)) { return y; }
    else {
      Object r = s_append(cdr(x), y);
      return cons(car(x), r);

  private static Object s_list(Object x, Object y) {
    return cons(x, cons(y, "nil"));

  private static Object s_pair(Object x, Object y) {
    if (s_null(x) && s_null(y)) {
      return "nil";
    } else if (!(atom(x)) && !(atom(y))) {
      return cons(s_list(car(x), car(y)),
                  s_pair(cdr(x), cdr(y)));
    } else {
      return "nil";

  private static Object s_assoc(Object x, Object y) {
    if (s_null(y)) { return "nil"; }
    else if (eq(caar(y), x)) { return cadar(y); }
    else { return s_assoc(x, cdr(y)); }

  private static Object s_atom(Object s) { return atom(s) ? "t" : "nil"; }
  private static Object s_eq(Object s1, Object s2) { return eq(s1, s2) ? "t" : "nil"; }

  private static Object s_eval(Object e, Object a) {
    if      (eq(e, "t"))   { return "t"; }
    else if (eq(e, "nil")) { return "nil"; }
    else if (atom(e)) { return s_assoc(e, a); }
    else if (atom(car(e))) {
      if      (eq(car(e), "quote")) { return cadr(e); }
      else if (eq(car(e), "atom"))  { return s_atom(s_eval(cadr(e),  a)); }
      else if (eq(car(e), "eq"))    { return s_eq(  s_eval(cadr(e),  a),
                                                    s_eval(caddr(e), a)); }
      else if (eq(car(e), "car"))   { return car(   s_eval(cadr(e),  a)); }
      else if (eq(car(e), "cdr"))   { return cdr(   s_eval(cadr(e),  a)); }
      else if (eq(car(e), "cons"))  { return cons(  s_eval(cadr(e),  a),
                                                    s_eval(caddr(e), a)); }
      else if (eq(car(e), "cond"))  { return evcon(cdr(e), a); }
      else { return s_eval(cons(s_assoc(car(e), a), cdr(e)), a); }
    } else if (eq(caar(e), "lambda")) {
      return s_eval(caddar(e),
                  s_append(s_pair(cadar(e), evlis(cdr(e), a)), a));
    } else {
      return "nil";

  private static Object evcon(Object c, Object a) {
    if (eq(s_eval(caar(c), a), "t")) { return s_eval(cadar(c), a); }
    else { return evcon(cdr(c), a); }

  private static Object evlis(Object m, Object a) {
    if (s_null(m)) { return "nil"; }
    else { return cons(s_eval(car(m), a), evlis(cdr(m), a)); }

  // REP (no Loop): s_rep
  private static void s_rep(String s) {
    rl = s_lex(s);
    posl = rl.length - 1;
    System.out.println(s_string(s_eval(s_syn(), "nil")));

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    String s = "", i;
    do {
      i = scan.nextLine();
      s = s + i;
    } while (!(i.equals("")));




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