Read CSV file: pandas

Make a note of how to read the csv file

Contents of csv file

test.png Check with a simple one like the one above

Import pandas

import pandas as pd

Read and display

data = pd.read_csv('csv file path/file name.csv')

The csv file is read in the first line and displayed in the second line. The following is displayed


Header information


When I run the above code, I get the following header information


The first line of the csv file is recognized as a header

Header assignment: Serial number

data = pd.read_csv('csv file path/file name.csv',header=None)


The header of 0 1 2 3 4 is set separately from the contents of the csv file.

Header assignment: Specify

data = pd.read_csv('csv file path/file name.csv',names=('A','B','C','D','E'))


The specified A B C D E is set as the header.

Use index as a time series

Csv file used


data = pd.read_csv('csv file path/file name.csv',names=('A','B','C','D','E'),index_col=0, parse_dates=True))



スクリーンショット 2020-06-06 22.11.03.png

index is recognized as datetime.

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