Format the CSV file of "National Holiday" of the Cabinet Office with pandas

That was hit on Twitter. I wondered what kind of terrible thing it was, and opened it with python pandas. This is the real thing

スクリーンショット 2017-02-23 0.52.30.png

I can't say anything because I don't know how to use this CSV file, but is this so terrible? I was hoping that the rows and columns would be out of alignment, and the date format would be different. Even if the date format is different, pandas has a function to unify the time series, so it can be solved relatively easily.

Let's shape it anyway.

スクリーンショット 2017-02-23 2.05.59.png

What was shaped -Delete the column where the missing value exists -Delete duplicate names -Change the date from string type to datetime type These are the three points.

Is this a little easier to see?

By the way, let's display whether there is a gap every year on that holiday.

スクリーンショット 2017-02-23 2.09.51.png

As a bonus, there is also a version in one row

スクリーンショット 2017-02-23 1.17.05.png

This kind of data formatting is easy with Pandas.

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