What to do if the library doesn't load when you run it in PyCharm, even though it works fine on terminal

python's strongest development environment, PyCharm

I've been programming in various environments so far, but since I met JetBrains, I've been captivated by JetrBrains' IDE.

In particular, PyCharm is the one that many people give the highest evaluation.

Recommendation of the strongest Python development environment PyCharm

What you should be careful about such PyCharm is setting PATH

I used PyCharm to run Tensorflow, a machine learning framework.

An error occurred when trying to run the sample code after completing all the setup.

CUDA is not recognized

Install CUDA when using Tensorflow with NVIDIA GPU.

I got an error saying that CUDA is missing.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is overwritten! ??

After a lot of research, it seems that certain environment variables are overwritten on PyCharm.

The CUDA library PATH is written to LD_LIBARARY_PARH.

The LD_LIBRARY_PATH was overwritten.

Play with Run-> Edit Configurations!

Run -> Edit Configurations -> Python -> [your project] -> Environment variables

It was solved by defining LD_LIBRARY_PATH in and adding the desired path.

1:Run -> Edit Configurations Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 22.38.28.png

2: Python -> [your project name] -> Environment variables Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 22.38.50.png

3: Add Environment Variables Write the PATH of the library that PyCharm should recognize in / add / path / here. Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 22.36.23.png

in conclusion

that's all.

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