Introduction to Protobuf-c (C language ⇔ Python)

First, what I wanted to do

Python <-> Interprocess communication between C languages

Due to various circumstances, I decided to write a program in C language, but I thought it would be very difficult to write the interface part in the same C, so I made the interface in Python and connected the programs with IPC etc. I thought about it. At first, I thought it would be okay to pack / unpack the C language structure on my own, but since there are some that my predecessors made, can I use ** Protocol Buffer **? So I decided to research and try it.

Protocol Buffer(protobuf) Official Protocol buffer support is as follows: (As of 11/11/2018)


proto3 (+ above)

proto2 and proto3 are not compatible. Qiita also has an article that explains in detail the outline of proto2, proto3, protobuf, etc., so please read it.

「Proto2 vs Proto3」:

Protobuf sample code

Generate proto file


message DataStructs{
  optional uint32 id = 1;
  optional uint32 ip_address = 2;
  optional uint32 port_num = 3;

message IpcMessage {
  enum Errors {
    SUCCESS = 200;
    ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 404;
  // error_code refers to the above Errors.
  optional Errors error_code = 1;
  //You can nest messages.
  optional DataStructs data = 2;

The above is the description of proto2. I think that even people who see it for the first time can understand it somehow. It is convenient to add comments in the .proto file. proto3 is not compatible due to different syntax.


So, this time, I wanted to run protobuf in C language. There is no official support, but when I look it up, it seems that there is a third party project, so I will use it. protobuf-c :

It seems that protobuf-c does not support proto3, so I will try it with proto2 after that.

Install protobuf-c

If you think you have to compile, it seems that modern distributions have packages. It can be installed from standard repositories on both CentOS and Ubuntu.


$ yum search protobuf-c  | grep x86_64
protobuf-c.x86_64 : C bindings for Google's Protocol Buffers
protobuf-c-compiler.x86_64 : Protocol Buffers C compiler
protobuf-c-devel.x86_64 : Protocol Buffers C headers and libraries


$ apt-cache search protobuf-c | grep '(protobuf-c)'
libprotobuf-c1 - Protocol Buffers C shared library (protobuf-c)
libprotobuf-c-dev - Protocol Buffers C static library and headers (protobuf-c)
libprotobuf-c1-dbg - Protocol Buffers C shared library debug symbols (protobuf-c)
protobuf-c-compiler - Protocol Buffers C compiler (protobuf-c)

This time, it will be carried out in the CentOS environment.

$ cat /etc/redhat-release && uname -r && rpm -aq | egrep '(protobuf)|(gcc)' && python -V
CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) 
Python 2.7.5

Compiling proto files with protoc -c

Compile the .proto file with protoc-c, which is a protobuf compiler for protobuf-c, generate .pb-ch and .pb-cc, I will use it from now on.

$ protoc-c sample.proto --c_out=./ && ls sample.*
sample.pb-c.c  sample.pb-c.h  sample.proto

Python-> C language

It is an example of reading protobuf in C language

Python Serialize script

Before writing a program to deserialize in C language, prepare a script to serialize to standard output in Python.

First, create a Proto file for Python.

$ protoc sample.proto --python_out=. ; ls *.py

A script that displays python serialized protobuf on standard output. This time we are talking about protobuf-c, so I will omit the details.

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-

import sample_pb2
import sys

message = sample_pb2.IpcMessage()
message.error_code = sample_pb2.IpcMessage.ERROR_NOT_FOUND<<24)+(168<<16)+(0<<8)+5


#Output so as not to include line feed code

Deserialization in C language

In c language, try deserializing from standard input.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "sample.pb-c.h"

int main(){
	char buffer[1024];
	int len=0;
	FILE *fp;

	//Input in Binary mode from standard input
	fp=freopen(NULL, "rb", stdin);
	len=fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), fp);

	//Follow the definition defined in the Proto file
	IpcMessage *message;
	//The exact length of the serialized data is required when unpacking. NG if it is too short or too long
	message=ipc_message__unpack(NULL, len, buffer);
	// has_*Check if the optional item has a value in.
		printf("error_code      : %d\n", message->error_code);
	//Nested messages are also dynamically generated when packed.
		printf("         : %d\n", message->data->id);
		printf("data.ip_address : %d.%d.%d.%d\n", (message->data->ip_address)>>24 & 0xff,
							  (message->data->ip_address)>>16 & 0xff,
							  (message->data->ip_address)>>8  & 0xff,
							  (message->data->ip_address)     & 0xff);
		printf("data.port_num   : %d\n", message->data->port_num);

	//Release unpacked objects
	//It seems that nested messages are also released
	ipc_message__free_unpacked(message, NULL);

	return 0;


$ gcc -l protobuf-c deserialize_sample.c sample.pb-c.c -o deserialize_sample


$ ./ | ./deserialize_sample
error_code      : 404         : 123
data.ip_address :
data.port_num   : 5060

I was able to successfully retrieve the protobuf message serialized in Python in C language.

C language-> Python

Next, an example of reading Protobuf generated in C language in Python

Serialization in C language


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sample.pb-c.h"

int main(){
	void *buffer;
	int len=0;
	FILE *fp;

	//Input in Binary mode from standard input.
	fp=freopen(NULL, "wb", stdout);

	//There is an example of using the INIT macro, but here it is dynamically allocated by malloc.
	//After malloc__Must be initialized using init
	IpcMessage *message;
	message=(IpcMessage *)malloc(sizeof(IpcMessage));
	//Unlike the time of pack, even if init is done, the nested message area is not secured.
	//Reserve space for separately nested messages and init. Needs initialization
	message->data=(DataStructs *)malloc(sizeof(DataStructs));

	// .The element specified as optional in the proto file is has_*Flag to true.
	//If it is not set to true, it will be ignored when serializing.

	//Serialize process, get size and malloc&Serialization process
	ipc_message__pack(message, buffer);

	//Binary output to standard output
	fwrite(buffer, sizeof(void), len, fp);

	//Free malloc area

	return 0;


$ gcc -l protobuf-c serialize_sample.c sample.pb-c.c -o serialize_sample

Python Deserialize script

A script that deserializes and displays the input serialized by the standard input protobuf.

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-

import sample_pb2
import sys

data =

message = sample_pb2.IpcMessage()

if message.HasField("error_code"):
    print("error_code      : {}".format(message.error_code))
    print("         : {}".format(
    print("data.ip_address : {}.{}.{}.{}".format((>>24)&0xff,
                                                 (>> 8)&0xff,
                                                 (>> 0)&0xff))
    print("data.port_num   : {}".format(


$ ./serialize_sample | ./ 
error_code      : 503         : 1192
data.ip_address :
data.port_num   : 8080

I was able to successfully retrieve the protobuf message serialized in C language with Python.

Postscript and impression

It's easy because I didn't have much information about protobuf-c in Japanese, but I've summarized the serialization method and deserialization method. It is a sample code that is not very conscious of error handling etc., and in reality it is not a simple standard input / output when implemented with IPC, so it is necessary to reassemble with socket etc., but I think that you can understand the essence. think···.

Until now, I didn't really understand the value of protocol buffer, and to be honest, I only thought "I should dump it with json". Certainly, if it is necessary to define in a form that is easy for people to understand, such as REST / API, it is good to define it in json or yaml, but what to do with the data format between different processes, different programming languages, etc. I found it very useful as a solution to the problem. Furthermore, if it is a low-level language (compared to recent languages) such as C language, json or yaml is not supported as standard, and its calculation speed is not wasted as much as possible. I understand it.

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