Make Cython available on Windows.

While referring to the URL below, I made it possible to use Cython on Windows, so leave a note.

Cython installation

With the pip command using the whl file compiled for windows install. From, according to my Python (= CPython) version and 32bit version or 64bit version Download the corresponding whl file.

pip install Cython-0.22.1-cp27-none-win32.whl

Install MinGW to use MinGW's gcc and g ++ as the compiler

Next, I installed MinGW with reference to [2] so that I could use gcc and g ++. Add c: \ mingw \ bin to the environment variable Path. Install MinGW Check at least gcc and g ++.

Description of configuration file to simplify compiler specification in Cython

To configure distutils to use MinGW [build] compiler = mingw32 Save it as distutils.cfg in C: \ Python27 \ Lib \ distutil.

Referenced URL

[1]:Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages

\ [2]: Installing and using MinGW (2014 version)

\ [3]: Surprisingly easy. Cython installation and usage memorandum

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