Build XGBoost on Windows


As the title suggests, this is the procedure (October 2016) when building XGBoost on Windows. To be honest, it was quite annoying, so I think it's better to do it on Linux. The environment is as follows.

Things to prepare

Chocolatey Chocolatey is a Windows package manager. Even if you don't have it, you can do something about it, but it's convenient to have it, so I'll introduce it.

As for the installation, copy and paste the one liner to the command prompt as described above.

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

MSYS2 Install MSYS2 using Chocolatey.

choco install -y msys2

MSYS2 is installed in C: \ tools \ msys64.

Git and MinGW64

Start MSYS2 and install Git and MinGW64 using the pacman command, which is MSYS2's package manager. If you already have Git Windows etc., you don't need to install Git again.

pacman -S git mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

Build work

I will continue to work with MSYS2. Let's clone the XGBoost repository.

git clone --recursive
cd xgboost
git submodule init
git submodule update

Aliase through the path so that you can use the make and g ++ commands. Then copy the makefile for MinGW64 and execute make!

export PATH=${PATH}:/c/tools/msys64/mingw64/bin
alias make=mingw32-make.exe
cp make/
make -j4


After building, install from Anaconda Prompt.

cd C:\tools\msys64\home\Administrator\xgboost\python-package
python install


Be aware that Dynamic Link will fail if the path is not in MinGW64. Add the MinGW64 bin directory to the environment variable Path and you're good to go!


Try importing from IPython or something and if you don't get any errors, you're good to go! Thank you for your hard work!


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