Use pip on Windows


When using the extension package published in Python, the packaged module can be easily deployed to the execution environment by using the package management system pip.

On Windows, it is included in Python (as of 3.5.1), so there is no need to install it additionally.

Execution environment


help command


>pip help 

Network installation

pip install <packagename>

Offline installation

The procedure to bring the downloaded package to the offline environment and install it.

Download the package from the internet

Use the download command. pip --download is now deprecated.


>pip download <packagename>

<packagename>-<versions> .tar.gz is created in the folder where the command was executed.

Install from downloaded package

You can install it by specifying <package name>-<versions> .tar.gz.


>pip intall <packagename>-<versions>.tar.gz

List of installed packages

Use the freeze command to confirm the installation.


>pip freeze

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