It's not a new story, but I couldn't find an article that realized the content of the subject, so I'll make a note of how to do it. It is assumed that Java, Maven, Jenkins, Subversion, and WildFly are properly installed in the execution environment.
I am trying in the following environment. CentOS 7.3 Java 1.8 WildFly 10.0.0.Final Maven 3.3.9 (Maven 3.1.1 or higher is required to use WildFly Maven Plugin 1.1.0.Final) WildFly Maven Plugin 1.1.0.Final Jenkins 2.46.3 Subversion 1.7.14
Introduce "WildFly Maven Plugin" to deploy from maven to WildFly. The following is a description example of pom.
<hostname>Hostname of the server running WildFly</hostname>
<port>WildFly management console port number</port>
<username>Username to log in to the management console</username>
<password>Password to log in to the management console</password>
The default hostname is "localhost", so if you're running Jenkins and WildfFly on the same server, you probably don't need to specify it. Also, the default port is "9990", so if you haven't changed it, you don't need to specify it. Details of Config can be found here [
Create a job to run on SVN commit. What the job does is check out the source from SVN, build and deploy with maven. The following is an example of job settings.
Set the authentication token required to call a job from SVN.
You can check the token from [Jenkins]> [Username]> [Settings]> [API Token].
First, build with "clean install" and deploy with "wildfly: deploy".
At SVN commit, create a "post-commit" script to perform the above job. If the created script does not have execute permission, post-commit hook failed (exit code 255) with no output. Please note that an error like this will appear.
$ cd [Repository root directory]/hooks/
$ vi post-commit
curl https://[URL confirmed by build trigger]?token=$api_token
$ chmod 774 post-commit
Now when you commit to SVN, Jenkins will automatically build and deploy to WildFly.
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