I tried launching jupyter nteract on heroku server


Using flask and heroku, I made various text mining / visualization web applications. One day, I get to know nteract.

nteract https://github.com/nteract/nteract https://blog.nteract.io/designing-the-nteract-data-explorer-f4476d53f897 I don't think it's a jupyter notebook with an automatic interactive visualization function.

"Oh, you can visualize this much with the same effort as displaying a pandas DataFrame. You have to try this. ... Don't fall if you use heavy data ... There may be some weaknesses, but if it is a web application, it can be visualized quickly when you want to do it from anywhere regardless of hardware. In a sense, it's more convenient than the more restrictive Google Colaboratory. "

So, I tried running nteract on heroku.


For studying machine learning using Python, set up a Jupyter Notebook on Heroku's free frame so that you can run it from your smartphone and share it. https://qiita.com/G-awa/items/8530a10cb847e4080df3

Deploy a Jupyter Notebook Online with Voila and Heroku https://pythonforundergradengineers.com/deploy-jupyter-notebook-voila-heroku.html


heroku: As an application server nteract: Start on heroku github private: As a file server


--Create and deploy the following files. It works if you open heroku open or the specified address. --Caution: Security-related processing such as passwords is excluded. It is highly recommended to add. --Note: github's privatete is used as a file server, but I will omit the explanation.

Folder structure

xxxxxx (Any)
 ┣  Procfile
 ┣  requirements.txt
 ┣  start_jupyter
┗ (Any ipynb file, etc.)

requirements.txt Please increase or decrease the important points




web: chmod +x start_jupyter ; start_jupyter


#!/usr/bin/env bash
jupyter nteract --no-browser --ip=* --port=$PORT
$ cd xxxxxx
$ git init
$ heroku create xxxxxx 
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first"
$ git push heroku master

Operation example



In short, you may put mecab etc.

The record I was addicted to when putting MeCab on Heroku  https://qiita.com/kzuzuo/items/1b3e9c9af57bd4464690

Next, let's change to nteract base ...

Similar visualization method between relatively long sentences such as patents: tfidf / cluster vis: tfidf-word2vec-clustering visualization  https://qiita.com/kzuzuo/items/8a80d8974bf3a7db7e54

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