# 1 [python3] Simple calculation using variables


This article is written by a fledgling engineer who has been studying programming for about two months for the purpose of output. After biting ruby and js, I became interested in the trend python, so I started learning.

There may be some people saying, "I can understand even if I write this one by one!", But since this is my first post, I will write it as a practice. It's a poor article, but I would appreciate it if you could point out any points that interest you! This article is based on the assumption that python3 and anaconda are installed on macOS.

1 Try a simple calculation

Start python in the terminal.


It's easy. By the way, if you have not installed anaconda


It seems to start with.

After the startup is complete, try performing a simple operation.

① ** Addition **

>>> 1 + 1 

② ** Subtraction **

>>> 1 - 1

③ ** Multiplication **

>>> 2 * 2

④ ** Division **

>>> 4 / 2

⑤ ** Too much calculation **

>>> 4 % 3

It's easy to understand elementary school mathematics at this level.

2 Operations using variables

It seems that python doesn't need variable declaration and doesn't have type specification. You don't have to remember much!

Immediately, I will assign a value to the variable hoge.

>>>hoge = 2 * 3

2 * 3 is assigned to hoge in the first line, and hoge is output in the second line. Now let's update the value of hoge.

>>>hoge = 2 * 3
>>>hoge = 2 * 20

You can easily change the value of the variable. Now let's calculate using multiple variables.

>>>hoge = 2 * 3
>>>mage = 2 * 20
>>>hoge * mage

It is also possible to assign a variable to a variable.

>>>hoge = 2 * 3
>>>mage = 2 * 20
>>>koge = hoge * mage

At the end

This is the end of this article. I want to make future articles easier to read and understand.

Next article → https://qiita.com/shin12032123/items/543a25bd5777d6e18128

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