Manipulate spreadsheets locally using Python

This Qiita article is a memo of the code used in the YouTube video. ▼ Please check the video for details (I'm really happy if you like the YouTube video)



First, create a new project on the page and enable the following two APIs.

  1. Enable Google Drive API and get the JSON file (renamed to credits.json)
  2. Enable the Google Sheet API

Then type two commands in the terminal.

$ pip install gspread
$ pip install oauth2client

Code (Explanation is added to the comment part.)

import gspread 
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from pprint import pprint 

scope = ["",'',"",""]

creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("creds.json", scope)

client = gspread.authorize(creds)

#I'm getting the first sheet titled python.
sheet ="python").sheet1

#All values are assigned to a variable called data.
data = sheet.get_all_records()

#Vertical and horizontal data can be obtained by the following methods.
row = sheet.row_values(3)
col = sheet.col_values(3)

#If you want to get only a specific cell, you can get it below.
cell = sheet.cell(3,2).value

#If you want to change or add values to your spreadsheet, you can do the following:
sheet.update_cell(3,2, "nakajo")
insertRow = [3, "nakajo", "Tangerine juice"]
sheet.insert_row(insertRow, 3)


Commands to type locally

$ python

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