I've put together another article with easier steps for pyenv + Anaconda. If you are comfortable using pyenv, please refer to the following URL.
Also, I have summarized other methods, so please refer to the link below as well.
Procedure to quickly create a machine learning environment on Ubuntu 16.04
Download the iso file from the following URL and install it because it does not matter whether it is a real machine or a virtual environment.
For the detailed procedure, please refer to the site that explained the details.
Log in as the initial user created during installation.
You can become root by executing the following command and entering the password of the initial user.
$ sudo su
It is a set of commands to install what you need and to deal with some errors.
# apt install -y build-essential
# apt install -y python3-dev
# apt install -y python3-setuptools
# easy_install3 pip
# pip install numpy
# pip install scipy
# apt install libfreetype6-dev
# ln -s /usr/include/freetype2/ft2build.h /usr/include/
# pip install matplotlib
# pip install seaborn
# pip install scikit-learn
# pip install jupyter
This completes the installation of the required software. This is the end of the work as root, so the following command will return you to the initial user.
# exit
Since Jupyter Notebook is accessed with a web browser, check the IP address of Ubuntu. By the way, you can check it with the following command.
$ ifconfig
Jupyter Notebook cannot be accessed from the outside if it is left with the default settings, so you need to create a configuration file and modify it.
$ cd
$ jupyter notebook --generate-config
$ vi ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py
Most of the initialization files are commented out, so find what you need and modify it.
c.NotebookApp.ip = '*'
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.port = 8888
Execute the following command in the home directory of the initial user.
$ jupyter notebook
If it seems to work, start a web browser on another machine and access the following URL.
Please replace "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" with the IP address.
When the Jupyter Notebook page is displayed, OK!