I tried to touch Python's GUI library "PySimple GUI"

undefined I am a beginner in programming, but I want to make a GUI application with Python, and since I learned about "PySimpleGUI", I would like to summarize it.

The site that I used as a reference

Which GUI library is recommended for Python? : What is a GUI? Has introduced four libraries for creating GUI applications in Python.

If you use Tkinter, try using PySimpleGUI: This is an introductory article about "PySimple GUI" that allows you to create a GUI with a simpler description than "Tkinter" that is built in as standard in Python. This time, I will try to make a GUI using this "PySimple GUI".

Official Document: This is the official document of "PySimple GUI" mentioned above.

Development environment

PySimpleGUI First installed by pip

pip install pysimplegui

This is OK

What to create

Since this is my first time, I would like to create a system in which the sum of two values is displayed when the button is pressed.

Code created and results

Here is the code I wrote and the result. Most of the code on the following site is reprinted. If you use Tkinter, try using PySimpleGUI


#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import PySimpleGUI as sg

sg.theme('DarkAmber') #The theme is dark because it's cool
#Text and button layout
layout = [[sg.Text('Find the sum of a and b')],
          [sg.Button('Calculation execution')],]

#Show window
window = sg.Window('window1',layout)

#Event loop
while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == 'Calculation execution':
        result = float(values['num1'])+float(values['num2'])
        show_message = "The answer is"+str(result)+"is."
#close the window

For some reason, the program didn't work unless I wrote a print (message) to display the pop-up.

Calculation screen result1.png

Result display result2.png

The calculation result is displayed properly


The syntax of PySimpleGUI was intuitive and easy to understand, and it was easy to create a GUI. There seems to be a lot of things I can do, so I will study.

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