I tried using a library (common thread) that makes Python's threading package easier to use

I tried using a library (common thread) that makes the Python threading package easier to use. https://pypi.org/project/commonthread/ It's more accurate to try using it or to make it.

Installation method

How to install the commonthread package

pip install -U commonthread

Classes to be installed

First sample (01.py)


from commonthread import *

# source https://techacademy.jp/magazine/28155
def fibonacci_worker(th: WorkerThread, n: int):
    if n <= 2:
        return 1
        return fibonacci_worker(th, n - 2) + fibonacci_worker(th, n - 1)

thread = WorkerThread(fibonacci_worker, 36)
thread.name = 'tfib'
success = thread.join(timeout=0.5)
success = thread.join()

01.py execution result

WorkerThread(name=tfib, result=14930352, elapsed=3.688599109649658, args=(36,), kwargs={}, params={})

Explanation (01.py)

Sometimes I want to return a return value from a worker function, so it's optimized for that purpose.

Class-based thread sample (02.py)


from commonthread import *

# source https://techacademy.jp/magazine/28155
class FibonacciThread(CommonThread):

    def entry(self, n: int):
        if n <= 2:
            return 1
            return self.entry(n - 2) + self.entry(n - 1)

thread = FibonacciThread(36)
thread.name = 'tfib'

02.py execution result

FibonacciThread(name=tfib, result=14930352, elapsed=4.399198055267334, args=(36,), kwargs={}, params={})

Commentary (02.py)

Sample class-based thread that defines constructs (03.py)


from commonthread import *

class AddThread(CommonThread):

    def __init__(self, x: int, y: int):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def entry(self):
        return self.x + self.y

thread = AddThread(11, 22)

03.py execution result

AddThread(name=Thread-1, result=33, elapsed=2.0015878677368164, args=(), kwargs={}, params={})

Commentary (03.py)

Sample (04.py) to join with all threads of the same class


from commonthread import *

lg = CommonThreadLogger()

class ShortThread(CommonThread):

    def entry(self, duration):
        return 'finished'

class LongThread(CommonThread):

    def entry(self, duration):
        return 'finished'


sth1 = ShortThread(1.0); sth1.name = 'sth1'
sth2 = ShortThread(1.5); sth2.name = 'sth2'

lth1 = LongThread(5.0); lth1.name = 'lth1'
lth2 = LongThread(6.0); lth2.name = 'lth2'







04.py execution result

MainThread: start
sth1: start
sth2: start
lth1: start
lth2: start
MainThread: [ShortThread(name=sth1, result=None, elapsed=0.0, args=(1.0,), kwargs={}, params={}), ShortThread(name=sth2, result=None, elapsed=0.0, args=(1.5,), kwargs={}, params={}), LongThread(name=lth1, result=None, elapsed=0.0, args=(5.0,), kwargs={}, params={}), LongThread(name=lth2, result=None, elapsed=0.0, args=(6.0,), kwargs={}, params={})]
sth1: end
sth2: end
MainThread: [LongThread(name=lth1, result=None, elapsed=0.0, args=(5.0,), kwargs={}, params={}), LongThread(name=lth2, result=None, elapsed=0.0, args=(6.0,), kwargs={}, params={})]
lth1: end
lth2: end
MainThread: []

Commentary (04.py)


The features that could not be introduced this time are:

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