How to launch another command in a Ruby program

How to start another command in a Ruby program. Mainly write about popen

Method 1: system () function

Give the command to the system () function as a character string. The easiest.

Example 1 No arguments



When you run

ruby sys0.rb

a.txt b.txt c.txt sys0.rb sys1.rb sys2.rb

Example 2 with arguments


system("ls *.txt")

When you run

ruby sys1.rb

a.txt b.txt c.txt

Example 3 Getting exit status

Exit status (exit status, exit status) can be obtained with $?


system("ls abc")
print $?, "\n"

When you run

ruby sys2.rb

ls: cannot access abc: No such file or directory pid 13715 exit 2

ls has failed with exit status 2.

Method 2 popen

You can get and input the output of the executed command (child process). In short, you can read / write to standard I / O.

Example 1 Get the result. Read from standard output


IO.popen("ls","r") do | io |
        while io.gets do

When you run

ruby popen0.rb

a.txt b.txt c.txt popen0.rb sys0.rb sys1.rb sys2.rb

Example 2 read / write to standard I / O


IO.popen("grep e","r+") do | io |
        io.print "Hello,\n"
        io.print "World!\n"
        while io.gets do

When you run

ruby popen1.rb


Method 3 fork and exec

Example 1 fork only


print "Start!\n"
child_pid = fork do
  #Only child processes below
  print "I am a child. pid=",, "\n"
  #Only child processes execute
#Only the parent process below
print "I am a parent. my pid=",, ", my child's pid=", child_pid, "\n"
Process.waitpid(child_pid) #Wait for the child process to finish

When you run

ruby fork0.rb

Start! I am a parent. my pid=25527, my child's pid=25529 I am a child. pid=25529

Example 2 fork and exec


print "Start!\n"
child_pid = fork do
  #Only child processes below
  #Only child processes execute
  #Not executed below
  #Will not be executed
#Only the parent process below
print "I am a parent. my pid=",, ", my child's pid=", child_pid, "\n"
Process.waitpid(child_pid) #Wait for the child process to finish

When you run

ruby fork1.rb

Start! I am a parent. my pid=25801, my child's pid=25803 a.txt b.txt c.txt fork0.rb fork1.rb popen0.rb popen1.rb sys0.rb sys1.rb sys2.rb

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