[JAVA] How to encode and calculate bitmaps of active user IDs with different dates in MaxCompute

This article provides code examples that show how to use MaxCompute's MapReduce module to encode and calculate bitmaps of active user IDs with different dates.

From Qu Ning

Bitmap is a Data Developer ? spm = a2c65.11461447.0.0.50376dabbEsxtJ) is a commonly used technique for encoding and compressing user data. The fast AND, OR, and NOT operations of bitmaps allow developers to filter users by user information such as profile tags and analyze weekly activity.

Consider the following code example.

import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsException;
import com.aliyun.odps.data.Record;
import com.aliyun.odps.data.TableInfo;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.JobClient;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.MapperBase;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.ReducerBase;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.conf.JobConf;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.utils.InputUtils;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.utils.OutputUtils;
import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.utils.SchemaUtils;
import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap;
import org.roaringbitmap.buffer.ImmutableRoaringBitmap;

import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class bitmapDemo2

    public static class BitMapper extends MapperBase {

        Record key;
        Record value;
        public void setup(TaskContext context) throws IOException {
            key = context.createMapOutputKeyRecord();
            value = context.createMapOutputValueRecord();

        public void map(long recordNum, Record record, TaskContext context)
                throws IOException
            RoaringBitmap mrb=new RoaringBitmap();
            long AID=0;
                            mrb.add((int) AID);
                            //获tori key
                            key.set(new Object[] {record.getString("active_date")});

            ByteBuffer outbb = ByteBuffer.allocate(mrb.serializedSizeInBytes());
            mrb.serialize(new DataOutputStream(new OutputStream(){
                ByteBuffer mBB;
                OutputStream init(ByteBuffer mbb) {mBB=mbb; return this;}
                public void close() {}
                public void flush() {}
                public void write(int b) {
                    mBB.put((byte) b);}
                public void write(byte[] b) {mBB.put(b);}
                public void write(byte[] b, int off, int l) {mBB.put(b,off,l);}
            String serializedstring = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(outbb.array());
            value.set(new Object[] {serializedstring});
            context.write(key, value);

    public static class BitReducer extends ReducerBase {
        private Record result = null;

        public void setup(TaskContext context) throws IOException {
            result = context.createOutputRecord();

        public void reduce(Record key, Iterator<Record> values, TaskContext context) throws IOException {
            long fcount = 0;
            RoaringBitmap rbm=new RoaringBitmap();
            while (values.hasNext())
                Record val = values.next();
                ByteBuffer newbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.getDecoder().decode((String)val.get(0)));
                ImmutableRoaringBitmap irb = new ImmutableRoaringBitmap(newbb);
                RoaringBitmap p= new RoaringBitmap(irb);
            ByteBuffer outbb = ByteBuffer.allocate(rbm.serializedSizeInBytes());
            rbm.serialize(new DataOutputStream(new OutputStream(){
                ByteBuffer mBB;
                OutputStream init(ByteBuffer mbb) {mBB=mbb; return this;}
                public void close() {}
                public void flush() {}
                public void write(int b) {
                    mBB.put((byte) b);}
                public void write(byte[] b) {mBB.put(b);}
                public void write(byte[] b, int off, int l) {mBB.put(b,off,l);}
            String serializedstring = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(outbb.array());
            result.set(0, key.get(0));
            result.set(1, serializedstring);
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws OdpsException

        JobConf job = new JobConf();


        InputUtils.addTable(TableInfo.builder().tableName("bitmap_source").cols(new String[] {"id","active_date"}).build(), job);
//        +------------+-------------+
//        | id         | active_date |
//        +------------+-------------+
//        | 1          | 20190729    |
//        | 2          | 20190729    |
//        | 3          | 20190730    |
//        | 4          | 20190801    |
//        | 5          | 20190801    |
//        +------------+-------------+
        OutputUtils.addTable(TableInfo.builder().tableName("bitmap_target").build(), job);
//        +-------------+------------+
//        | active_date | bit_map    |
//        +-------------+------------+


Now let's talk about this code. After packaging the Java application and uploading it to the MaxCompute project, the developer can call what is given on this MapReduce job in MaxCompute. For the data in the input table, the date is used as the key to encode the user ID, and the OR operation is performed on the user ID encoded by the bitmap of the same date. Alternatively, if necessary, you may perform an AND operation, for example, in the case of retention. The processed data is then written to the target structure table for further processing.

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