"Cython" tutorial to make Python explosive: When C ++ code depends on the library. First of all, CMake.


I want to make the code written in C ++ a library that can be called in Python. However, there was a big wall called Cython.

This is the "Cython" tutorial that makes Python explosive: when C ++ code depends on the library. This is the continuation of the preparation section.

The code is listed in "github here", so please take a look.

As a minimum folder structure, it was like this.

Situation explanation

(myenv) user@~/Documents/cython_practice[master]> tree .
├── README.md
├── cpp_library
│   ├── TestClass1.cpp
│   └── TestClass1.h
├── cython
│   ├── my_library.pxd
│   ├── my_library.pyx
│   ├── test_class1.pxd
│   └── test_class1.pyx
└── setup.py

Furthermore, at the end of the last time,

wget https://gmplib.org/download/gmp/gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz &&\
tar xvf gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz &&\
cd gmp-6.1.2 &&\
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gmp/6_1_2 &&\
make && make check && make install

I installed the `` `gmp``` library.

What to do this time

This time, first

  1. Write simple code using the gmp library and make sure you can compile it with commands.
  2. How are the C ++ libraries installed and referenced in the first place?
  3. How is the compilation of dependent programs performed using CMake?
  4. How is it written in setup.py when it is cythonized?

I will explain up to 3. Regarding 4, I will actually compile a C ++ program with dependencies using Cython so that it can be called from Python, which I will write in the next article.

C ++ dependencies

How are the C ++ libraries installed and referenced in the first place?

gmpThis is the command when the library is installed.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gmp/6_1_2

 This is where to store the object file created when compiling with ``` make` `` later, and the header file that is the source of the project at the time of` `make install` ``. Is the specified command.

 If not specified, the object files are basically stored in `` `/ usr / local / lib` `` and the necessary header files (basically one header file containing all the program files required for the library). ) Is stored in `` `/ usr / local / include` ``.

 After this, it is compiled by `` `make` ``, and the object file and header file compiled by `` `make install` `` are stored.

 Here, make sure that the object file and header file of the gmp library are actually stored in the specified folder.

root@e96f489c2395:/# ls /usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/lib/
libgmp.a  libgmp.la  libgmp.so  libgmp.so.10  libgmp.so.10.3.2
root@e96f489c2395:/# ls /usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/include/

Certainly, the object file is under `` `/ usr / local / gmp / 6_1_2 / lib, The header file is stored under / usr / local / gmp / 6_1_2 / include```.


How is the compilation of a dependent program performed using CMake?

Therefore, in order to create and compile a program that uses them, you need to compile with reference to them. First, simply use g ++ to write a simple program and compile it.


#include <iostream>
#include <gmp.h>

using namespace std;

void print_test(){
    mpz_t test;
    mpz_set_ui(test, 1);
    gmp_printf("print : %Zd \n", test);

int main(){

You don't need to know about the gmp library, but since gmp is a library that calculates large integers, this is a program that simply assigns 1 to an object called test and prints it.

Explicitly compile the library with options. Of course, if you try to compile without writing anything about the library, you will get a reference error.

root@e96f489c2395:/from_local# g++ test.cpp
/tmp/ccZnVmvP.o: In function `main':
test.cpp:(.text+0x1f): undefined reference to `__gmpz_init'
test.cpp:(.text+0x30): undefined reference to `__gmpz_set_ui'
test.cpp:(.text+0x48): undefined reference to `__gmp_printf'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

It will be. This is of course because the dependent libraries are not specified, but by solving it,

root@e96f489c2395:/from_local# g++ test.cpp -L/usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/lib -I/usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/include -lgmp
root@e96f489c2395:/from_local# ./a.out
print : 1 

Of course you can compile like this. In this case, `` `-Lspecifies the path to the library (object file),-i```Is a compile option that specifies the path to the header file.

However, when there are multiple dependent libraries or when writing multiple programs, compiling with `g ++` like this can be quite annoying. Therefore, prepare CMakeLists.txt and compile it easily.

To do that, create the following `CMakelists.txt` and

cmake . &&It is preferable to compile using make.

 Here, instead of creating `` `CMakelists.txt` `` as follows and compiling with the command `` `g ++` `` and options, `` `cmake. && make``` I will try to compile using it.

#### **`CMakeLists.txt`**

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


# Executable will be in ../bin
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -O0 -lgmp")



target_include_directories(test1 PRIVATE /usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/include/)
target_link_libraries(test1 gmp /usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/lib)

root@e96f489c2395:/from_local# cmake .
-- Configuring done
WARNING: Target "test1" requests linking to directory "/usr/local/gmp/6_1_2/lib".  Targets may link only to libraries.  CMake is dropping the item.
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /from_local
root@e96f489c2395:/from_local# make 
[100%] Built target test1
root@e96f489c2395:/from_local# ./test1
print : 1 


As knowledge necessary when converting a C ++ program to cython, the following was done to achieve cythonization of a program that has a dependency on the C ++ side.

--I explained the dependencies that are easy to trip when writing C ++ programs. --Explained how to compile C ++ using CMake.

In the next article --I will explain how to write setup.py based on the dependencies.

This time around here.


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