How to calculate space background X-ray radiation (CXB) with python by specifying the flux range


When estimating space background X-ray radiation (CXB), we not only want to know some of the total brightness, but also how much when imaging observations, excluding the bright point sources detected by imaging. Remains without spatial decomposition? Need to be estimated.

Here, I will show you how to calculate soft (1-2 keV) and hard (2-10 keV) with python according to

Source code

For those who can read the code, see Colab of calc_cxb.


#!/bin/evn python 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 588, Number 2 (2003)

smax = 1e-1 # maxinum of flux range (erg cm^-2 c^-1)
smin = 1e-17 # minimum of flux range (erg cm^-2 c^-1)
n = int(1e5) # number of grid in flux 
fcut = 5e-14 # user-specified maxinum flux (erg cm^-2 c^-1)

def calc_cxb(s,fcut=5e-14, ftotal_walker=2.18e-11, plot=True, soft=True):

	if soft: # 1-2 keV
		print("..... soft X-ray 1-2 keV is chosen")
		a1=1.82; a2=0.6; s0=1.48e-14; ns=6150
	else: # hard 2-10 keV 
		print("..... hard X-ray 2-10 keV is chosen")
		a1=1.57; a2=0.44; s0=4.5e-15; ns=5300

	n_larger_s = ns * 2.0e-15 ** a1 / (s**a1 + s0**(a1-a2)*s**a2) # Moretti et al. 2013, eq(2)

	if plot:
		F = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
		ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
		plt.plot(s, n_larger_s, ".", label="test")
		plt.xlabel(r"$S (erg cm^{-2} s^{-1})$")
		plt.savefig(foutname + "_ns.png ")

	diff_n_larger_s = np.abs(np.diff(n_larger_s))
	diff_s = np.diff(s)
	div_ns = np.abs(diff_n_larger_s/diff_s)

	s_lastcut = s[:-1]
	totalflux = np.sum(div_ns*s_lastcut*diff_s) # Moretti et al. 2013, eq(4)

	fluxcut = np.where(s > fcut)[0][:-1]
	particalflux = np.sum(div_ns[fluxcut]*s_lastcut[fluxcut]*diff_s[fluxcut])
	fdiff = totalflux - particalflux 
	fcxb = ftotal_walker - particalflux # Walker et al. 2016, eq(1)

	print("totalflux    = ", "%.4e"%totalflux, " [erg cm^-2 c^-1]", " from ", "%.4e"%smin, " to ",  "%.4e"%smax)
	print("particalflux = ", "%.4e"%particalflux, " [erg cm^-2 c^-1]", " from ", "%.4e"%fcut, " to ",  "%.4e"%smax)
	print("fdiff        = totalflux - particalflux     = ", "%.4e"%fdiff, " [erg cm^-2 c^-1]", " from ", "%.4e"%smin, " to ",  "%.4e"%fcut)	
	print("fcxb(2-10keV)= ftotal_walker - particalflux = ", "%.4e"%fcxb, " [erg cm^-2 c^-1]")

	if plot:
		F = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
		ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
		plt.plot(s[:-1], div_ns, ".", label="test")
		plt.xlabel(r"$S (erg cm^{-2} s^{-1})$")
		plt.savefig(foutname + "_nsdiff.png ")

	return s, n_larger_s, diff_n_larger_s, div_ns, diff_s

#s = np.linspace(sexcl,smax,n)
s = np.logspace(np.log10(smin),np.log10(smax),n)

# plot soft band
s, n_larger_s, diff_n_larger_s, div_ns, diff_s = calc_cxb(s,fcut=fcut)
# plot hard band
s, n_larger_s, diff_n_larger_s, div_ns, diff_s = calc_cxb(s,fcut=fcut,soft=False)

Execution result

1-2 keV

スクリーンショット 2020-11-04 11.23.26.png

2-10 keV

スクリーンショット 2020-11-04 11.23.34.png

Method of calculation

As expected, if it is linear, the memory is insufficient and it cannot be calculated, so in the log of the s (erg cm ^ -2 s ^ -1) space, the integral used a simple rectangular approximation.

スクリーンショット 2020-11-04 11.29.23.png

This function is calculated by n_larger_s = ns * 2.0e-15 ** a1 / (s ** a1 + s0 ** (a1-a2) * s ** a2).

スクリーンショット 2020-11-04 11.29.31.png

This integral is calculated by totalflux = np.sum (div_ns * s_lastcut * diff_s).

fcxb = ftotal_walker --particalflux # Walker et al. 2016, eq (1) is a bonus, and the CXB of 2-10 keV in this paper is estimated, and the calculation is based on it.

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