Calculate the probability of being a squid coin with Bayes' theorem [python]


I have two coins One coin has a 1/2 chance of appearing The other is a squid coin with 70% facing up Win if you can guess whether it is a squid coin

When I tried 50 more times now, it was 35 times.

By the way, can we call it a squid coin at this time?

For classical statistics

If it is not a squid coin, it should be in the top 25 times out of 50 times. When the difference in ratio is tested, Chi-square value is 4.16 p-value is 0.04 If you test with a risk rate of 5%, you can't say that it's a non-squid coin because it's about 4% even if it happens that "throwing a non-squid coin will make a table 35 times". Will be interpreted as

Not an ambiguous result such as "I can't say it" I want a probability of 1,0 such as whether it is a squid coin

In Bayesian statistics

P(X|Y) = \frac{P(Y|X)P(X)}{P(Y)}

in this case Binomial distribution

 {}_n C_{x} p^x (1-p)^{n-x}

Likelihood P (Y | X) Treat as

Prior probability P (X) puts the probability of being a squid coin or a fair coin

This time, both Ikasama coins and fair coins will be selected equally. P(X)=0.5 Think of it as.

Possible events are Ikasama coin is selected and the table appears 35 times Fair coins are selected and the table appears 35 times

If this is expressed by a calculation formula

** Fair **

 {}_{50} C_{35} (0.5)^{35} (1-0.5)^{50-35}=0.0019

** Ikasama **

 {}_{50} C_{35} (0.7)^{35} (1-0.7)^{50-35}=0.1223

Will be. Multiply each value by the probability that Ikasama coin will be selected as the prior probability Since this alone cannot be considered as a probability, add both values to obtain a marginal distribution.

** Fair **


** Ikasama **

import math
import numpy as np
import random

def combinations_count(n, r):
    return math.factorial(n) // (math.factorial(n - r) * math.factorial(r))




def coin(n,x,n_x,lp,lh,lt,fp,fh,ft):
    loaded_likelihood=combinations_count(n, x)*(loaded_heads**x)*(loaded_tails**n_x)
    fair_likelihood=combinations_count(n, x)*(fair_heads**x)*(fair_tails**n_x)
    marginal = loaded_likelihood*loaded_prior + fair_likelihood*fair_prior
    return load_prob, fair_prob

load_prob,fair_prob= coin(n=n,x=x,n_x=n_x,lp=loaded_prior,lh=loaded_heads,lt=loaded_tails,fp=fair_prior,fh=fair_heads,ft=fair_tails)
print("loaded coin "+str(round(load_prob,3))+"%, fair coin "+str(round(fair_prob,3))+"%")
loaded coin 0.984%, fair coin 0.016%

Calculated in this way, the probability of being a squid coin was 0.5 in advance, but increased to 0.98. By the way, if the table appears 33 times, it will exceed 90%.

try_time = 50

for o in range(try_time):
    print("head "+str(o)+"  loaded coin "+str(round(lo_p,3))+"%, fair coin "+str(round(fa_p,3))+"%")
head 0  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 1  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 2  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 3  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 4  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 5  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 6  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 7  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 8  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 9  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 10  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 11  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 12  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 13  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 14  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 15  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 16  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 17  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 18  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 19  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 20  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 21  loaded coin 0.0%, fair coin 1.0%
head 22  loaded coin 0.001%, fair coin 0.999%
head 23  loaded coin 0.002%, fair coin 0.998%
head 24  loaded coin 0.005%, fair coin 0.995%
head 25  loaded coin 0.013%, fair coin 0.987%
head 26  loaded coin 0.029%, fair coin 0.971%
head 27  loaded coin 0.065%, fair coin 0.935%
head 28  loaded coin 0.14%, fair coin 0.86%
head 29  loaded coin 0.275%, fair coin 0.725%
head 30  loaded coin 0.469%, fair coin 0.531%
head 31  loaded coin 0.674%, fair coin 0.326%
head 32  loaded coin 0.828%, fair coin 0.172%
head 33  loaded coin 0.918%, fair coin 0.082%
head 34  loaded coin 0.963%, fair coin 0.037%
head 35  loaded coin 0.984%, fair coin 0.016%
head 36  loaded coin 0.993%, fair coin 0.007%
head 37  loaded coin 0.997%, fair coin 0.003%
head 38  loaded coin 0.999%, fair coin 0.001%
head 39  loaded coin 0.999%, fair coin 0.001%
head 40  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 41  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 42  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 43  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 44  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 45  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 46  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 47  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 48  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%
head 49  loaded coin 1.0%, fair coin 0.0%

that's all

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