[RUBY] [Rails] v1.0 came out on google-cloud-vision of gem, so I tried to support it

I had to rewrite the code in Article I wrote before, so I tried to deal with it.

Be careful if you update gem google-cloud-vision from v0.x series to v1.0.0.


Migrating to google-cloud-vision 1.0 https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-ruby/blob/master/google-cloud-vision/MIGRATING.md

As it is written in, about #safe_search_detection [here](https://googleapis.dev/ruby/google-cloud-vision-v1/latest/Google/Cloud/Vision/V1/ImageAnnotator/Client. html # safe_search_detection-instance_method) was easier to understand.

    require "google/cloud/vision"
    image_annotator = Google::Cloud::Vision::ImageAnnotator.new


    require "google/cloud/vision/v1"
    image_annotator = Google::Cloud::Vision::V1::ImageAnnotator::Client.new

Rewritten to.

It seems that Google Cloud Vision had a destructive version upgrade before ...

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