[Ruby / Rails] What to do when NoMethodError appears when using a destructive method such as filter!

The error that occurred

I got a NoMethodError when using a destructive method like filter !.

I've dealt with it, so I'll leave a note. (If you make a mistake, please kindly tell me ...)

How to reproduce


def index
  @object = Object.all
  @object.filter! do |o|
    o.id != 1

When I got an object as an array with all, I could use a non-destructive method like filter, but I tried to make an array by playing an object that does not match the conditions with a destructive method like filter !.

However, as the very first heading says, I threw a NoMethodError.

How to deal with


def index
  @object = Object.all
  @object.to_a.filter! do |o|
    o.id != 1

Converting an object to an array with to_a no longer throws a NoMethodError.

I will add it if I find out the reason.

I will leave a note on it so that I will not forget it. (Reminder)

If there are people who already know the reason and it seems that it is natural, I would be very happy if there is a gentleman who can put a link on something.

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