Tips for plotting multiple lines with pandas


I check it every time.

If you pass an ax array when subplots = True, it will subplot nicely, and if you specify cmap to change the color for each line, there is not much information, so it may be useful for someone.

The one I use often

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm

_, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(16, 8))
    grid=True, #Attach the grid
    style='-', #Specifying the line style
    cmap=cm.tab20, #Change line colormap
    subplots=True, #Separate subplot for each line
    ax=axes, #Number of columns and len(axes)If there is, it will subplot nicely

Color map


--You can use cm.get_cmap ("tab20 ") instead of cm.tab20. --You can use cm.tab20.colors [n] for colors such as plt.plot.

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