Create an environment for test automation with AirtestIDE (Tips)


Recently, I started test automation of smartphone apps (games) with AirtestIDE. So I would like to spell out what I did to create the script and environment I actually created.


macOS 10.13.6 Airtest IDE 1.2.2(Python) Android 9


Import scripts used in common

from airtest.core.api import using
from common import *

If I was wondering what to do, it was written in the official document

Processing to wait for processing

import sys

def waitForExists(obj, timeout = 60):
    for t in range(timeout):
        if (exists(obj)): return 1
        elif t == timeout - 1:

Wait for processing until obj is found I haven't made the exception handling of timeout yet. raise waitforobjecttimeouterror("Processing timed out") I want to look like this

def waitAndTouch(obj, timeout = 60):
    for t in range(timeout):
        if (exists(obj)):
            return 1
        elif t == timeout - 1:

Wait until you find obj, then tap

def swipeForExists(obj, obj2, vector, dulation = 8, maxCount = 10):
    for c in range(maxCount): 
        if (exists(obj)): break
        elif c == maxCount - 1:
        elif (exists(obj2)):
            swipe(obj2, vector, duration = dulation)

Swipe obj2 until you find obj

def tapForExists(obj, obj2, timeout = 60):
    for t in range(timeout):
        if (exists(obj)):
            return 1
        elif t == timeout - 1:
        elif (exists(obj2)): touch(obj2)

Keep tapping obj2 until obj is found (tap when obj is found)

def tapForNotExists(obj, obj2, timeout = 60):
    for t in range(timeout):
        if (not exists(obj)): return 1
        elif t == timeout - 1:
        elif (exists(obj2)): touch(obj2)

Keep tapping obj2 until you can't find obj

def tapForNotExistsXY(obj, x, y, timeout = 60):
    for t in range(timeout):
        if (not exists(obj)): return 1
        elif t == timeout -1:

Keep tapping on specific coordinates until obj is missing

def tapIfExists(*args):
    n = 0
    for i in args:
        n += 1    
    if (exists(args[0])):
        if (n == 1):
        elif (n == 2):

When there is one argument: Tap if there is a target obj When there are two arguments: If there is a target obj, tap obj2

With this much work, most of the things I want to do have become sufficient.

Output log

import datetime

def log_ok(file, msg):
    now =
    #for airtestIDE
    file.write(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + " [info] " + msg + " OK" + chr(10))
    #for airtest
    #file.write(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + " [info] " + msg.decode("utf-8") + " OK".decode("utf-8") + chr(10))

It seems that the character code processing is different between AirtestIDE and Airtest

import codecs
file ="<Log file name>", "w", "utf-8")
log_ok(file, "Automatic test start")

###for IDE
###for CLI
log_ok(file, "Step1 -Installation")
start_app("<App id>")


log_ok(file, "Automatic test end")
stop_app("<App id>")

Example of use. In addition, it seems that the path of the application is slightly different when executing from the IDE and when executing from the CLI IDE ... The executed air folder becomes the home CLI ... The place where you executed it becomes your home

Post your results to Slack

import json
import requests

url = ""
token = "<token>"
channel = "<channel>"
message = "Of log output" + chr(10) + "It is a sample"

body = {
    'token' : token,
    'channel' : channel,
    'text' : message,
    'as_user' : 'true'
}, data=body)

I'm thinking of importing the output log file and posting it to Slack.

Command line

Run from command line

adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP
/Applications/ runner "<project>.air" --device Android:/// --log log

Image to start by hitting the shell from Jenkins etc.

Get the report

/Applications/ reporter "<project>.air" --log_root log --export exp

You can get richer reports with Airtest IDE than with airtest It would be nice to set the output destination of the report to DocumentRoot of apache so that it can be referenced from the intranet.

Execute by connecting multiple units

$ airtest run argo.air --device Android://<serialno>

If multiple smartphone terminals are connected via USB, you can execute multiple devices at the same time by specifying `<serialno>`, which is listed by the adb devices command (. I haven't tried it with Airtest IDE yet)

in conclusion

Did you find any references? There were some points that I stumbled upon when I actually tried to implement the script, so I hope it helps.

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