[Python] tkinter Code that is likely to be reused


import tkinter as tk

Main window

# Main window generation
tk1 = tk.Tk()
# Specify window size
# Specify window title
tk1.title("TextConv 2020")
# Window size changeability setting
# Window background color


tk1.withdraw () # Do not suppress window display

menu bar

from tkinter import filedialog

def m_load():
 typ = [('text file','* .txt')]
    dir = 'C:\\'
    file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = typ, initialdir = dir) 
    f = open(file)
 fdata = f.read () # Returns all read data up to the end of the file
    textField.delete('1.0', 'end')
    textField.insert('1.0', fdata)

def m_save():
    file = filedialog.asksaveasfilename()
    txt = textField.get('1.0', 'end -1c')
    f=open(file, mode='w') 

# Create menu bar
men = tk.Menu(tk1) 

# Set the menu bar on the screen

# Create a parent menu (file) in the menu
menu_file = tk.Menu(tk1) 
men.add_cascade(label='File', menu=menu_file) 
men.add_cascade(label='File Load', command=m_load) 
men.add_cascade(label='File Save', command=m_save) 

Panel window

## orient: vertical or horizontal
## bg: Border color
## expand: Variable (True or False)
## fill: Movement when space is available (tk.BOTH spreads vertically and horizontally)
## side: From which direction to pack when arranging (side or top ...)

pw_main = tk.PanedWindow(tk1, orient='horizontal')
pw_main.pack(expand=True, fill = tk.BOTH, side="left")

pw_left = tk.PanedWindow(pw_main, bg="cyan", orient='vertical')
pw_right = tk.PanedWindow(pw_main, bg="white", orient='vertical')


mainFrame = tk.Frame(pw_left, width=450, height=600, bg="white")
# If propagation is set to False, the frame size will be width, height.
# If True, stick to the widget inside


def c_button1_click():
 # Read from clipboard
    MOji1 = tk1.clipboard_get()
 The #insert () method specifies the position in the first argument and the character to insert in the second argument.
    textField.delete('1.0', 'end')
    textField.insert('1.0', MOji1)
 # textField.insert ('1.0',' Aiueo \ n Aiu Aiu \ nabcABCabcABC \ n123123')

def c_button2_click():
 # Read from clipboard

# Button (pasted from clipboard)
 c_button1 = tk.Button (clipboardFrame, text ='Paste from clipboard', command = c_button1_click, bg = "yellow")
c_button1.place(x=10, y=5)

# Button (copy to clipboard)
 c_button2 = tk.Button (clipboardFrame, text = "copy to clipboard", command = c_button2_click, bg = "gold")
c_button2.place(x=150, y=5)


# scroll bar
scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(textFrame)
scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill="y")

# Text box
textField = tk.Text(textFrame, width=500, height=500, bd=5, relief="groove")
textField.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=(0, 0), pady=(0, 0))
textField["yscrollcommand"] = scrollbar.set
 textField.insert ('1.0',' Aiueo \ nAiu \ nabcABCabcABC \ n123123')

padx: Lateral gap on the outside = 10 Both sides = (10,10) Left, right pady: outer vertical gap Because it shows the correlation position with the front and left ones, not the absolute coordinates When using (,), it is easier to set (n, 0) and 0 after it. The default is Tk.CENTER. In addition, Tk.W (left side), Tk.E (right side), Tk.N (top side), Tk.S (bottom side), Tk.NW (upper left), Tk.SW (lower left), Tk.NE (upper right), Tk.SE (lower right)

Check button

 chk1 = tk.Checkbutton (SideFrame1, text ='line', bg = "lightgreen")
chk1.place(x=180, y=7)


 S_button1 = tk.Button (SideFrame2, text = "replacement", command = lambda: c_button_click (10), bg = "salmon")


import tkinter.ttk as ttk

note = ttk.Notebook(tk1)
tab = tk.Frame(note,height=100,width=100)

note.add(tab, text="Tab")


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