I tried to create a method to apply multiple filters at once with Java Stream API. Is this okay?


For example, suppose you have a DTO like this:

 *Input with multiple filter conditions.
 * <p>
 ** Actually, it may be more complicated or complex...
class InputDto {

    /**Conditions used for filters 1*/
    private boolean conditions1;
    /**Condition 2 used for filter*/
    private boolean conditions2;
    /**Condition 3 used for filter*/
    private boolean conditions3;
    /**Condition used for filter 4*/
    private boolean conditions4;
    /**Condition used for filter 5*/
    private boolean conditions5;

    // ...

If you want to aggregate this DTO list by condition, you will often write it as follows.

private void count(List<InputDto> inputs) {

    //Number of cases when condition 1 is applied to the input
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions1())

    //Number of cases when condition 2 is applied to the input
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions2())

    //Condition 3 for input,Number of cases when 4 is applied
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions3())
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions4())

    //Condition 1 for input, 3,Number of cases when 5 is applied
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions1())
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions3())
        .filter(i -> i.isConditions5())


 *Output with aggregated results.
class OutputDto {

    /**Number of cases to which condition 1 was applied*/
    private Long count1;
    /**Number of cases to which condition 2 is applied*/
    private Long count2;
    /**Condition 3,Number of cases to which 4 was applied*/
    private Long count3And4;
    /**Condition 1, 3,Number of cases to which 5 was applied*/
    private Long count1And3And5;

    // ...

When filling the output DTO like this,

private void makeOutput(List<InputDto> inputs) {
                .filter(i -> i.isConditions1())
                .filter(i -> i.isConditions2())
                    .filter(i -> i.isConditions3())
                    .filter(i -> i.isConditions4())
                        .filter(i -> i.isConditions1())
                        .filter(i -> i.isConditions3())
                        .filter(i -> i.isConditions5())

Is it like this?

The condition is boolean so I can still read it, but I couldn't see it when the child's DTO came out: tired_face:

So I wondered if it would be easier to read.

I thought about a method that I thought was easy to read


Java's Stream API is convenient, but if you write it in a list such as a lambda expression, it may become difficult to read.: Disappointed_relieved:

So, I thought about dividing the methods so that I could understand ** what I wanted to do **.

Long filter and aggregate(List<InputDto>List of inputs, Predicate<? super InputDto>...Lots of filters) {
    //Gonyo Gonyo
Number of returns;

Like this.

In addition, if you write a lot of filters in a lambda expression, it will remain difficult to see, so that is also a method.

Predicate<? super InputDto>A certain filter() {
return input->Filtering using inputs;
// ...abridgement

This way, when you use it

Filter and aggregate(List of inputs,A certain filter(),Other filters());

It's like ** Easy to read and shorter! I thought **.

What I implemented

The filter and aggregate method

 *Applies all filters passed as variadic to the list of inputs and returns the number.
 * @param inputs
 * @param filters
 * @Number of cases after applying the return filter
private final Long filterCount(List<InputDto> inputs, Predicate<? super InputDto>... filters) {
    Stream<InputDto> work = inputs.stream();
    for (Predicate<? super InputDto> filter : filters) {
        work = work.filter(filter);
    return work.count();

I implemented it like this.

Since Stream cannot be reused, it feels like filtering with a for-each statement.

The certain filter method

 * @return {@link InputDto#isConditions1()}Filter using
private Predicate<? super InputDto> filter1() {
    return i -> i.isConditions1();

 * @return {@link InputDto#isConditions2()}Filter using
private Predicate<? super InputDto> filter2() {
    return i -> i.isConditions2();

// ...Omission

 * @return {@link InputDto#isConditions5()}Filter using
private Predicate<? super InputDto> filter5() {
    return i -> i.isConditions5();

We have prepared it at the minimum level so that it can be reused.

I actually used it

If you rewrite the process of packing in the output that appeared in the introduction

private void makeOutput(List<InputDto> inputs) {
    	.count1(filterCount(inputs, filter1()))
    	.count2(filterCount(inputs, filter2()))
    	.count3And4(filterCount(inputs, filter3(), filter4()))
    	.count1And3And5(filterCount(inputs, filter1(), filter3(), filter5()))

I feel like this.

How is it? Easy to read: thinking :: question:

Was this all right?

This was the code I wrote a long time ago, but I remembered that other people said it was useful.

I was happy because I wrote it with a lot of trouble, but ** Is there a better way to write it? The question came up and I wrote the article.

Java programmers out there!

Regardless of the Stream API

There is such a way of writing-it's easy to read-

I would be grateful if you could let me know! : yum:

** I got a code example that fits nicely in the comment section! Please see if you are interested! !! ** **


--Although not mentioned in the article, the code uses lombok. -** You can read it even if you use a method! There may be an opinion like **, but the data actually handled has a complicated hierarchical structure, and there are about 20 types of aggregation patterns. I hope you can imagine it and read it.

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