Automatically switch virtual environment with conda + direnv


To switch virtual environments with conda

conda activate <ENV_NAME>

However, it is troublesome to switch for each project.

You can switch the environment automatically by using direnv. Create .envrc in the corresponding project and write the following.


eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate <ENV_NAME>

By doing this, when you move to the corresponding project, .envrc will be executed and the specified virtual environment will be automatically activated. When you exit the project, it will be unset and you can automatically exit from the virtual environment.

By the way, If you only use conda activate, you will be asked to execute conda init first. (I don't think it's happening) This command should already be running when you set up conda. So it's a bit strange to write it in .envrc obediently.

In the first place, conda init creates various files and adds them to bash_profile. / <Conda path> /etc/profile.d/ is included in this created files. Here is the script for conda activate. conda shell.bash hook will return the contents of that By eval, you can execute and use conda activate.


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