Shared libraries can be used in Python, Julia, Rust, etc. If it is an .a archive format library, it cannot be used as it is.
If you can convert an archived library to a shared library, these Available from language.
/ usr / bin / libtool command, not GNU, genuine command The method is as follows
libtool -dynamic -multiply_defined suppress -o libmruby.dylib mruby/build/host/lib/libmruby.a -undefined dynamic_lookup -macosx_version_min 10.11
In this example, mruby is changed from archive format (.a) to shared library (.dylib).
You can also add other dependent libraries to the link. But in addition the library I wasn't sure what to do if it included the rpath specification, but I was able to override the rpath with install_name_tool and specify it as an absolute path.
It's not very Binary Anne, so it's not bright around here, so It just happens to move.
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