Problems encountered when creating a Tkinter GUI app How can I save the processing result of the callback function called by the bind method? (= User operation such as mouse triggers as an event and calls a callback function)
The procedure is as follows:
In the sample code below, after the Tkinter GUI window is displayed, The bind method calls a callback function called b1Pressed each time the left mouse button is clicked. In addition to the event (e) itself, specify a class object called obj1 as an argument passed to b1Pressed in the form of a lambda function. b1Pressed adds 1 to obj1.var_hoge each time it is called and saves the processing result in obj1.var_hoge
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import PIL
from PIL import Image,ImageTk
root = tk.Tk()
#Loading images
img ="C:\Users\User\Desktop\experiment\a.png ")
im = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
#Mouse click event handler
def b1Pressed(e, obj1):
print("b1Pressed has been called!")
obj1.var_hoge += 1
print("var_hoge"+ str(obj1.var_hoge))
#Class for storing the processing result of the variable performed by the callback function
class storeVar():
def __init__(self):
self.var_hoge = 0
#Canvas settings
cvs = tk.Canvas(bg="black", width=796, height=816), y=0)
cvs.create_image(0,0,image=im, anchor=tk.NW)
#Prepare a class object
obj1 = storeVar()
#Call the event handler when the mouse button is pressed
cvs.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", lambda event, arg=obj1:b1Pressed(event, arg))
The processing result is as follows (result of clicking the left mouse button four times)
guiTest.Execution result of py
b1Pressed has been called!
var_hoge is 1!
b1Pressed has been called!
var_hoge is 2!
b1Pressed has been called!
var_hoge is 3!
b1Pressed has been called!
var_hoge is 4!
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