[RUBY] Naming convention when creating a new controller or model with rails


$ rails g controller
$ rails g model

When you do

** "Oh, when it's a controller, do you make it plural?" ** ** "How should I write when specifying multiple words in the model name?" **

I was googled every time, so it also serves as a memory retention.

The most important point

・ Creating a new controller is ** plural ** ・ Creating a new model is ** singular ** ・ Both controller and model ** Snake case and camel case can be used **


When creating a new controller, be sure to specify it in the plural form.

$ rails g controller users
$ rails g controller posts
$ rails g controller likes

When combining multiple words, either snake case or camel case is OK.

$ rails g controller post_likes #Snake case
$ rails g controller PostLikes  #Camel case


When creating a new model, specify it in the singular.

$ rails g model user
$ rails g model post
$ rails g model like

When combining multiple words, either snake case or camel case is OK.

$ rails g model post_like
$ rails g model PostLike

I will explain it a little more carefully when I have time. For reference only.

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