Let's make some notification processing samples in Python

With alerts after making judgments in processing and notifications at the end of processing There are occasional cases where you want to be notified by email or a specific service, Every time I got tired of thinking, I summarized it.


Conducted at google cola boratory. The Python version is below. image.png

Mail First of all, email notification to solid.

SMTP server assumes Gmail

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate

#Sender's email address, name, and password (in the case of Gmail, issue and use the app password)
FROM_ADDRESS = '[email protected]'
MY_PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'

#Make the destination a list type
TO_ADDRESS = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']

from_mail_addr = FROM_ADDRESS
_from_name = FROM_NAME
_from_addr = "{} <{}>".format(_from_name, from_mail_addr)

#Create a message to send
## https://docs.python.org/ja/3.5/library/email-examples.html
def create_message(list_to_addr, subject, body):
    msg = MIMEText(body)
    msg['Subject'] = subject
    # msg['From'] = _from_addr
    msg['From'] = _from_name
    msg['To'] = ','.join(list_to_addr)
    #I'm not sure, but even if I put it in BCC, it will only be displayed in the column called BCC, so stop
    # msg['Bcc'] = ','.join(list_bcc_addrs)
    msg['Date'] = formatdate()
    return msg

#Send using Gmail's SMTP server
def send_gmail(list_to_addr, msg):
    smtpobj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
    smtpobj.login(FROM_ADDRESS, MY_PASSWORD)
    smtpobj.sendmail(from_mail_addr, list_to_addr, msg.as_string())

#Process to actually send
##Message composition
list_to_addr = TO_ADDRESS
subject = "<Notification sample>"
import datetime
dt_now = datetime.datetime.now()
#Line breaks\Just set with n
body = "It is the content to be sent\Will line breaks be reflected?\n{}"
body = body.format(dt_now.strftime('%Y year%m month%d day%H:%M:%S'))

msg = create_message(list_to_addr, subject, body)

##Transmission process
send_gmail(list_to_addr, msg)

LINE Then LINE. If you want to notify LINE, there are two main types. Should I just notify myself, or should I notify a specific user as a BOT?

Notify yourself

Issue tokens for rooms below https://notify-bot.line.me/ja/

import requests
line_notify_api = 'https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify'

payload = {'message': send_message}
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + line_notify_token}
line_notify = requests.post(line_notify_api, data=payload, headers=headers)

Notify by BOT

You can also use the LINE Bot API to push to specific users of your friends

This is to create a BOT from the following https://developers.line.biz/console

import json
import requests

#Set HTTP header
header = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + _access_token,

#Set transmission data
send_data = {
  'to': to_user_id,
  'messages': [
          'type': 'text',
          'text': send_message

url = 'https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push'
res = requests.post(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(send_data))
if(res.status_code != 200):
  print("error : [{}]".format(res.text))


Is it a recent trend to want to notify chat tools?

Create a URL in the target channel as an incoming-webhook and throw it in POST OK

import requests
import json
requests.post(slack_url, data=json.dumps({'text': send_message}))



Basically with Slack. Create a URL on the target channel as an incoming-webhook and throw it in POST. It's just a feature of Teams that is different from Slack, but it can be titled

Since it is output in HTML, it will not be broken in \ n, so if you want to combine it with other notifications, you should add replacement processing.

import requests
import json
send_message = send_message.replace('\n', '<BR>')
requests.post(teams_webhook_url, data=json.dumps({'title': subject, 'text': send_message}))


At the end I will try to jump to IFTTT's Webhook so that I can jump to anything

Because I will only briefly describe a little complicated procedure If you have never created a webhook with IFTTT, you should give up and go to another page.

    1. Specify Webhooks as a trigger in New Applet. image.png
  1. Webhooks only has Receive a web request, so select it.

    1. I'll give you an event name. (Note that this name will also be included in the URL of the webhook)
  2. Choose the action you like For the time being, set the output contents assuming that it is LINE

  3. Decide the applet name and press Finish.

Tend to be confusing from here 6. Select My services in the upper right to display the webhooks service

  1. Press Settings
  1. Since the URL is described, enter the URL in the browser. This screen is the IFTTT Webhook setting screen. image.png

The URL of the IFTTT Webhook is determined by the key displayed on this setting screen and the event name mentioned earlier.

Https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/ / with / key /

If you come to this point, you can just throw it in the URL by POST like Slack or TEAMS Webhook. There are three parameters, value1, value2, and value3.

import requests
requests.post(url_ifttt, data={'value1': subject, 'value2': send_message, 'value3': ''})

If I can go through IFTTT, I think that the destination will be irrelevant, so I think that I can notify my favorite notification destination.


If you put everything together and notify them all at once, it will look like this.

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
import requests
import json

#Sender's email address, name, and password (in the case of Gmail, issue and use the app password)
FROM_ADDRESS = '[email protected]'
MY_PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'

#Make the destination a list type
TO_ADDRESS = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']

def create_message(list_to_addr, subject, body):
    msg = MIMEText(body)
    msg['Subject'] = subject
    msg['From'] = FROM_NAME 
    msg['To'] = ','.join(list_to_addr)
    #I'm not sure, but even if I put it in BCC, it will only be displayed in the column called BCC, so stop
    # msg['Bcc'] = ','.join(list_bcc_addrs)
    msg['Date'] = formatdate()
    return msg

def send_gmail(list_to_addr, msg):
    smtpobj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
    smtpobj.login(FROM_ADDRESS, MY_PASSWORD)
    smtpobj.sendmail(FROM_ADDRESS, list_to_addr, msg.as_string())

def Notice_Mail(subject, send_message):
  list_to_addr = TO_ADDRESS
  msg = create_message(list_to_addr, subject, send_message)
  send_gmail(list_to_addr, msg)

line_notify_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
def Notice_LINE_Self(send_message):
  line_notify_api = 'https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify'

  payload = {'message': send_message}
  headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + line_notify_token}
  line_notify = requests.post(line_notify_api, data=payload, headers=headers)

_access_token ='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
def Notice_LINE_push(to_user_id, send_message):

  #Set HTTP header
  header = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + _access_token,

  #Set transmission data
  send_data = {
      'to': to_user_id,
      'messages': [
              'type': 'text',
              'text': send_message

  url = 'https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push'
  res = requests.post(url, headers=header, data=json.dumps(send_data))
  if(res.status_code != 200):
    print("error : [{}]".format(res.text))

slack_url = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx'
def Notice_Slack(send_message):
  requests.post(slack_url, data=json.dumps({'text': send_message}))

teams_webhook_url = 'https://outlook.office.com/webhook/xxxxxxx/IncomingWebhook/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx'
def Notice_TEAMS(subject, send_message):
  send_message = send_message.replace('\n', '<BR>')
  requests.post(teams_webhook_url, data=json.dumps({'title': subject, 'text': send_message}))

url_ifttt = 'https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/eventid/with/key/xxxxx'
def Notice_IFTTT(subject, send_message):
  requests.post(url_ifttt, data={'value1': subject, 'value2': send_message, 'value3': ''})

def Notice(subject, body):
  #Notification processing: Email
  Notice_Mail(subject, body)

  #Notification processing: LINE_Notify

  #Notification processing: LINE_push
  userid = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
  Notice_LINE_push(userid, body)

  #Notification processing: Slack

  #Notification processing: TEAMS
  Notice_TEAMS(subject, body)

  #Notification processing: IFTTT (to LINE via)
  Notice_IFTTT(subject, body)

import datetime
dt_now = datetime.datetime.now()

#Line breaks\Just set with n
body = "It is the content to be sent\Will line breaks be reflected?\n{}"
body = body.format(dt_now.strftime('%Y year%m month%d day%H:%M:%S'))

subject = "<Notification sample: {}>".format(dt_now.strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S'))

Notice(subject, body)

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