[JAVA] Install Eclipse on Mac and translate it into Japanese


Since I was supposed to teach web application development in Java, a memo for that. This time, I will describe until Eclipse can be started.

Eclipse installation flow

  1. Eclipse download and installation
  2. Japanese localization plug-in installation
  3. Java (JDK) installation

Eclipse download and installation

Install from the official website. https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

We recommend downloading the package that includes the plug-in in advance. https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/eclipse-packages/

This time, let's use "** Eclipse IDE for Java Developers **".

Eclipseダウンロード.png Download at the next download page.

When you unzip it, Eclipse itself is included, so place it in an appropriate place (application?).

Try to start it once!

Please open the downloaded one once! (Otherwise, if you change the Eclipse configuration file, the app will be said to be broken and you will not be able to open it ...) When I open it with ... ワークスペース選択 It's crazy. It's English. .. .. I think that, so I will translate it into Japanese.

Japanese localization plug-in download! (Pleiades)

Download the Japanese localization plug-in from the following. http://mergedoc.osdn.jp

Download only the main body this time! 日本語化プラグイン If you download the latest version and unzip it, the plug-in "** pleiades **" is included.

The Mac plug-in installation method is as follows.

To install Eclipse, just put the plug-in in the corresponding directory. Add "features" and "plugins" in the downloaded "pleiades" directory to "features" and "plugins" in Eclipse as they are.

  1. Right-click Eclipse.app and click "*** Show Package Contents ***" from the menu.
    Now you can see the files in Eclipse.app.
  2. Go to Contents> Eclipse ...
    There were "features" and "plugins"! !!
  3. Copy (add) the downloaded files in "features" and "plugins" of Pleiades to "features" and "plugins" of Eclipse.

Fixed Eclipse startup file

You need to mess with the Eclipse startup file for the Japanese localization plug-in. The startup file is below. (For Neon)

{Placement of Eclipse}/Eclipse.app/Content/Eclipse/eclipse.ini

 It depends on the Eclipse version, and in the case of Juno it was as follows.

#### **`{Placement of Eclipse}/Eclipse.app/Content/MacOS/eclipse.ini`**

Then, add the following to eclipse.ini. (For Neon)

-javaagent:{Placement of Eclipse}/Eclipse.app/Content/Eclipse/plugins/jp.sourceforge.mergedoc.pleiades/pleiades.jar

In other words, describe the location of the plugin you just copied. Therefore, change the path of "-javaagent" as appropriate depending on the version of Eclipse. With Juno

-javaagent:{Placement of Eclipse}/plugins/jp.sourceforge.mergedoc.pleiades/pleiades.jar

 Now when you start Eclipse ...
 <img width="606" alt="日本語に!!" src="https://qiita-image-store.s3.amazonaws.com/0/111111/41817e1a-d0b1-06d3-ce00-31a053518530.png ">
 Now in Japanese! !!

# Java download and installation
 All you have to do is download it from the Java site and install it.

 <img width="1006" alt="Javaインストール" src="https://qiita-image-store.s3.amazonaws.com/0/111111/dd529568-f5e1-39b8-b6ca-cc1d6d0fca82.png ">

 Just check the "Accept License Agreement", download dmg and follow the instructions to install it.
 (Since I lost the motivation to write, dmg is omitted ...)

 Now you're ready! !!
 Continue to the next chapter. .. ..

 Teka, Eclipse Pleiades All in One for Mac was done ah ah! !!
 [Eclipse Pleiades All in One for Mac released](http://qiita.com/cypher256/items/233795f4fc58a704ee47)

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