[Even beginners can do it! ] How to install Eclipse on Windows 10 (Java environment construction)

1. What is Eclipse?

--Eclipse is a integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming. --Eclipse is open source software and is released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License. --Eclipse is mainly used for Java application development.

2. Download Eclipse


  1. Go to Eclipse Downloads | The Eclipse Foundation.
  2. Click the Download 64 bit button. 02.png
  3. Click the Download button. 03.png
  4. Success if ʻeclipse-inst-win64` is downloaded.

3. Install Eclipse


  1. Start ʻeclipse-inst-win64`. 04.png
  2. Select ʻEclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers`. 05.png
  3. Click the ʻINSTALL` button. 06.png
  4. Click the ʻAccept Now` button. 07.png
  5. Click the check box and click the ʻAccept selected` button. 08.png
  6. Click the LAUNCH button. 09.png
  7. Click the Browse button, select the save location and click the Launch button. 10.png
  8. Click the Browse button, select the save location and click the Launch button. 11.png
  9. Success if ʻEclipse` starts.

4. Japanese localization of Eclipse

--Eclipse has a plugin called " Pleiades ". --In Pleiades, Eclipse itself is also included, so the above settings are unnecessary.


  1. Access Eclipse Japanese localization | MergeDoc Project.
  2. Click the ʻEclipse 2020` button. 14.png
  3. Click the Download button in the Java column. 15.png
  4. [https://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/mergedoc/pleiades/2020/pleiades-2020-03-java-win-64bit-jre_20200322.zip](https://ftp.jaist.ac. Click jp / pub / mergedoc / pleiades / 2020 / pleiades-2020-03-java-win-64bit-jre_20200322.zip). 16.png
  5. Unzip the downloaded zip file. (7-Zip promotion) 17.png
  6. Open the decompressed folder. (Pleiades-2020-03-java-win-64bit-jre_20200322 / pleiades / eclipse /) 22.png
  7. Click ʻeclipse.exe in pleiades-2020-03-java-win-64bit-jre_20200322 / pleiades / eclipse / `. 23.png
  8. Click the Browse button, select a save location and click the Launch button. 24.png
  9. Success if ʻEclipse` starts.

5. Easy to use Eclipse


  1. Start ʻEclipse`. 25.png
  2. Select [File (F)]-> [New (N)]-> [Package]. 26.png
  3. Enter Hello in the name and click the Done button. 27.png
  4. Right-click on the package and select [New] → [Class]. 28.png
  5. Enter Hello for the package and name, checkpublic static void main (String [] args), and click the Done button. 29.png


package Hello;
public class Hello {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//TODO auto-generated method stub
		System.out.println("Hello World!!");

  1. Enter the above source code and click the Run button.

30.png 7. Select Run → Java Application.

31.png 8. Success if Hello World !! is displayed on the console.

6. Related

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