Be registered on Github Have an app
① Create a working tree ② Register the file in the index ③ Register the file in the local repository ④ Connect to remote repository ⑤ Register the file in the remote repository
The current directory is in the folder that contains the files you want to upload to GitHub
git init
Make sure .git is generated
ls -a
git add *
git commit -m 'test'
-m is a function to add a comment to a commit and may or may not be added.
Confirm that it was committed
git log
Author: xxx
Date: Sun xxx xx 17:35:23 2020 +0900
git remote add origin
<br> Remarks
origin is the remote repository name and can be any name you like. Basically origin
https / // is the remote repository URL. Granted when you create a repository on a GitHub web page. (Maybe there's something like that on the repository page)
<br> Confirmation
```git remote -v```
<br> Remarks
The connected remote repository destination is displayed
## ⑤ Register the file in the remote repository
```git push origin master```
<br> Remarks
master is the branch name. The default is master.
If you want to check your current branch, use the following command
git branch --contains
<br> Confirmation
Visit your GitHub repository page and make sure it's uploaded
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