[MEMO] [Development environment construction] Jupyter Notebook


If you want to know more Please refer to here!

For when you are in a hurry

The following is the process from installation to activation.


For scraping

pip install -U pip && pip install wheel pandas bs4 selenium requests googletrans emoji jupyter jupyter_contrib_nbextensions jupyterthemes  && jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user  && mkdir -p $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions  && cd $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions && git clone https://github.com/lambdalisue/jupyter-vim-binding vim_binding  && chmod -R go-w vim_binding  && jupyter nbextension enable vim_binding/vim_binding 

jupyter installation

pip install jupyter

Automatic loading

Automatically reload the imported module

Type in cell and shift+enter

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Maximize cell width

When looking at the DataFrame of pandas, if the cell width is the default, the characters will be cut off, so set the cell width to the maximum


.container { width:100% !important; }


Make extensions available

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user


table of content Show list of markdown


Nbextension tab toc2 Perameter Check Display toc window / sidebar at startup


pip install jupyterthemes


Added font to jupyterthemes

Get your favorite font from ~ / usr / share / fonts and create a folder with the same font name ** in fonts / monospace etc. in the jupyterthemes installation directory ** (python / site-packages / jupyterthemes / fonts / monospace / font name folder) Put the font in this folder.

   ├── fonts
   │   ├── monospace
   │   │   ├── migu
   |   |   |   ├── migu.ttf

After that, describe the font you want to add to python / site-packages / jupyterthemes / stylefx.py.


def stored_font_dicts(fontcode, get_all=False):
    fonts = {'mono':
            {'anka': ['Anka/Coder', 'anka-coder'],
            'ubuntu': ['Ubuntu Mono', 'ubuntu'],
            'migu': ['Migu 1M', 'migu']}, #Newly added font
            {'droidsans': ['Droid Sans', 'droidsans'],

set theme

#Dark system
jt -t monokai -cellw 100% -fs 15 -T -f migu

# Light system
jt -t grade3 -fs 95 -altp -tfs 11 -nfs 115 -cellw 88% -T

Figure background color (dark theme only)

There is a problem that the background color of the figure and the theme color are covered, so respecify the background color

Add to the following file


div.output_area img, div.output_area svg {
 background: #fff;

comment color


.edit_mode .cell.selected .CodeMirror-focused.cm-fat-cursor {
 /*When it's a dark theme*/
 /* background-color: #282828; */

 /*When the theme is light*/
 background-color: #fffae6;
 color: #f8f8f0;

.edit_mode .cell.selected .CodeMirror-focused:not(.cm-fat-cursor) {
 /*When it's a dark theme*/
 /* background-color: #282828; */

 /*When the theme is light*/
 background-color: #fffae6;
 color: #f8f8f0;


1. Put jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

2. Enable nb extensions

jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user

3. Create an nbextensions folder in jupyter's data directory

mkdir -p $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions

4. Clone vim_binding to the nbextensions folder

If you don't have git, install it.

cd $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
git clone https://github.com/lambdalisue/jupyter-vim-binding vim_binding

5. Grant permissions to vim_binding

chmod -R go-w vim_binding

6. Enable vim

jupyter nbextension enable vim_binding/vim_binding

Successful introduction if OK

Enabling notebook extension vim_binding/vim_binding...
      - Validating: OK

7. If the theme is dark, change the background color

In the case of monokai, it would be nice to do something like # 272822.


.edit_mode .cell.selected .CodeMirror-focused.cm-fat-cursor {
  background-color: #272822;
.edit_mode .cell.selected .CodeMirror-focused:not(.cm-fat-cursor) {
  background-color: #272822;

** Maybe you don't have to set it? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ** **



// Configure CodeMirror Keymap
  'nbextensions/vim_binding/vim_binding',   // depends your installation
], function() {
  // Map jj to <Esc>
  CodeMirror.Vim.map("jj", "<Esc>", "insert");
  // Swap j/k and gj/gk (Note that <Plug> mappings)
  CodeMirror.Vim.map("j", "<Plug>(vim-binding-gj)", "normal");
  CodeMirror.Vim.map("k", "<Plug>(vim-binding-gk)", "normal");
  CodeMirror.Vim.map("gj", "<Plug>(vim-binding-j)", "normal");
  CodeMirror.Vim.map("gk", "<Plug>(vim-binding-k)", "normal");

jupyter-vim-binding link https://github.com/lambdalisue/jupyter-vim-binding#customization

About keymap https://codemirror.net/keymap/vim.js


Shortcuts to remember & set at a minimum If you remember more than necessary, Vim commands will overlap, so don't worry

** Premise **

--Introduced vim-binding --How to use jupyter mode --Some shortcut keys can only be used after entering jupyter mode with Shift + Esc. --Cut cell (dd), paste (p), etc.

** Common to all modes **

** Jupyter mode only **

one thing

Well, you can remember more, but if you have a head to remember. If you don't get confused with other Editors and shortcuts, add more and more to become a jupyter master.

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