I want to get multiple parameters from the SSM parameter store at once! In that case, use get_parameters
or get_parameters_by_path
to get a good feeling.
However, I didn't know this, but it seems that I can only get up to 10 at a time, and to get it after that, I have to retry using the returned token.
Create 11 parameters in the path under / HOGE /
of SSM parameter store and experiment with lambda (python3.8).
import json
import boto3
ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
def lambda_handler(event, context):
params = dict()
responseSSM = ssm.get_parameters_by_path(
Path = "/HOGE",
WithDecryption = False
for param in responseSSM["Parameters"]:
params[ param["Name"] ] = param["Value"]
while True:
if not "NextToken" in responseSSM:
responseSSM = ssm.get_parameters_by_path(
NextToken = responseSSM["NextToken"],
Path = "/HOGE",
WithDecryption = False
for param in responseSSM["Parameters"]:
params[ param["Name"] ] = param["Value"]
for prm in params:
# params["/HOGE/FUGA1"]Etc. You can access by specifying the parameter name as it is.
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')
Execute with SSMFullAccess authority granted to the IAM role.
The output is as follows. It was confirmed that 10 or more cases could be obtained. The order is. .. A mystery.
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