Last time, I introduced the block diagram generation tool blockdiag to CentOS6.5.
This time, I will describe the tips when using it via a web server.
-If the blockdiag command is defined in the script, consider that it will be executed by the "apache" user / group.
-It is necessary to grant write permission for the apache user or group to the block diagram generation destination.
-When executing the blockdiag command, it is necessary to explicitly specify the font because it is executed by the apache user.
From the default documentroot
# mkdir /var/www/html/data
# chown .apache /var/www/html/data
# vi /var/www/html/index.php
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h1>BlockDiag Online</h1>
<form action='index.php' method='post'>
<textarea name='text' cols='120' rows='20'>
blockdiag admin {
// Set M17N text using label property.
A [label = "Ki"];
B [label = "Accepted"];
C [label = "Turn"];
D [label = "Conclusion"];
A -> B -> C -> D;
// Use M17N text directly (need to quote).
// Use M17N text including symbol characters (need to quote).
"Spring is dawn" -> "summer=Night" -> "autumn.evening" -> "winter&be making an effort";
<hr />
<input type='submit' value='conversion' />
if (isset($_POST['text'])){
//Define path etc.
$dir = "data/";
$font = "/usr/share/fonts/ipa-gothic/ipag.ttf";
$filename = sprintf("svg%04d",mt_rand(0,9999));
$fd = sprintf("./{$dir}%s.diag",$filename);
$ff = sprintf("./{$dir}%s.svg" ,$filename);
$text = $_POST['text'];
//Create block diagram
//blockdiag command execution
$command = sprintf("blockdiag -f {$font} -Tsvg %s",$ft);
$Err = `$command`;
printf("command: %s<br />",$command);
print "<hr />";
if (file_exists($ff)) {
echo "$ff exists<br />";
printf("ff: %s<br />",$ff);
print "<img src=\"{$ff}\" />";
} else {
echo "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>$ff does not exist. Seems to have failed to generate<br />";
echo "If successful, the following SVG file will be generated</span><br />";
print "<img src=\"/cp_root/nippon.svg\" />";
# chmod 755 /var/www/html/index.php
# ls -l /var/www/html/data/svg5038.svg
-rw-r--r--1 apache apache 7465 October 8 20:04 2014 /var/www/html/data/svg5038.svg
I think that the content has become a little useful for actual usage.
That's it.
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