This is the article on the 11th day of "WACUL Advent Calendar 2016". This time, I will write an impression and introduction of touching the visualization tool superset made by airbnb.
It's officially written at I personally recognize it as the following tool.
Also, when I tried it with ubuntu 16.04, it was easy to introduce (the procedure is as simple as on the official website).
superset supports various output formats such as graph output, json, csv, etc. to output the accumulated data. In addition, the input source also supports various types such as MySQL and PostgresSQL.
Dashboard, Slice
The superset has components called "Dashboard" and "Slice". The image is that the Dashboard is a collection of Slices. I understand that Slice is simply a meaningful display unit in the Dashboard.
In this image, the entire screen is Dashboard, "Region Filter", "% Rural", "Growth Rate", etc. are Slice.
Settings such as which slice to place on the dashboard screen can be done from the management screen.
It's a little hard to see, but write which Slice to put on the Dashboard on the "Slices" form and where to put it on the "Position JSON" form.
Slice, Visualization Type, Datasource
There are two components that make up Slice: the "data itself" and the "display method." The components that play their respective roles are called "Datasource" and "Visualization Type" in superset. There are many Visualization Types available in superset.
(↑ is a part)
superset is a web application built on Flask. If you're used to developing Flask, you can easily customize it.
There are many methods for authentication and access control.
You can set Roles as user attributes, and you can also set the actions allowed for each Role. Also, if it is an update type action, a log will remain.
If you try to make your own, it will take a lot of work, but I'm happy that superset can be realized without writing a single line of code.
By the way, by default, it is a type of password authentication that writes to the self-managed DB, but as introduced earlier, it is a Flask-based application, so it is possible to change the authentication type such as OAuth. (I think that development around view is necessary for OAuth)
Since it's a big deal, I'll try using superset with my own data. This time I did the following:
First, write the following in
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://root:testtest@localhost/tdb1'
You should now be able to connect to the database named root user, password testtest, tdb1. Next, initialize the superset including user creation as follows.
fabmanager create-admin --app superset
superset db upgrade
superset init
That's it. Confirm that the following table has been created.
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_tdb1 |
| ab_permission |
| ab_permission_view |
| ab_permission_view_role |
| ab_register_user |
| ab_role |
| ab_user |
| ab_user_role |
| ab_view_menu |
| access_request |
| alembic_version |
| clusters |
| columns |
| css_templates |
| dashboard_slices |
| dashboard_user |
| dashboards |
| datasources |
| dbs |
| favstar |
| logs |
| metrics |
| query |
| slice_user |
| slices |
| sql_metrics |
| table_columns |
| tables |
| url |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)
First, prepare the data. This time, I used Google Trends data. From 2015/12/01 to 2015/12/31, we will acquire and visualize daily scores with the keywords "lover" and "rear charge".
First, prepare a table like this
mysql> desc trend201512;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| date | date | NO | | NULL | |
| score_koibito | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
| score_riajuu | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
After that, import the data and register it as the data source on the superset side.
After making various settings, create a slice with VisualizationType set to table view and line chart to create the following dashboard.
For some reason, it was read that the scores on the 24th and 25th were high even though it was a weekday.
By the way, in the process of making this graph, I also saw the (personally) painful points of superset.
First of all, what is the selling point of superset is that "data can be extracted (displayed as a graph or exported) without writing SQL".
However, this was also the reason why I felt painful.
If you try to make your own system to get this graph, for example, you just have to draw the returned data quickly around highcharts while issuing a query like select date, score_koibito, score_riajuu from trend201512; I will. There is nothing difficult.
On the other hand, in superset, if you do it in SQL, you only need to specify the field, and you need to do a separate work called "metrics definition". What is this? It is a mechanism to bite an aggregate function in the field of each table and give it an alias, and by default, count, avg, sum, etc. are prepared. Also set metrics according to the Visualization Type.
In this example, in the case of table view, we don't need an aggregate function in the first place, so we decided to define the metrics type called "identity". As a result, the SQL issued by superset to create the table view looks like this:
SELECT score_koibito AS score_koibito,
score_riajuu AS score_riajuu
FROM trend201512
WHERE date >= STR_TO_DATE('1916-12-11 08:52:13', '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s')
AND date <= STR_TO_DATE('2016-12-11 08:52:13', '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') LIMIT 50
This SQL is automatically generated by manipulating the UI, and it is not possible to manually write and execute the SQL. Also, the date must be specified, and the date specification method uses superset's original DSL-like notation, making it difficult to write.
... I tried to write it hard, but in short, I wanted it to support the operation of data extraction by SQL (although I understand the merit that the operation by UI makes routine work more efficient). Also, since the items that can be specified in the UI differ depending on the Visualization Type (this is natural due to the data structure), I feel that the learning cost is not as cheap as it looks.
superset seems to be able to do asynchronous execution in cooperation with celery when throwing heavy queries. There are clues on this page
Support for long-running queries - uses the Celery distributed queue
to dispatch query handling to workers
supports defining a “results backend” to persist query results
I wrote about superset, a visualization tool made by airbnb. I wrote some complaints, but I think it's a great tool because it's packed with a lot of features. Especially, it is recommended for people who mainly analyze data and cannot spend time on visualization. I also thought that it could be used for monitoring if done well.
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