I tried the Pepper NAOqi OS 2.5.5 SLAM feature


I tried using the "SLAM function" which is a new function installed in NAOqi OS 2.5.5 scheduled to be released on April 4, 2017, so I will summarize it.


I went to Silicon Valley for a month in February 2017. Speaking of robots in the United States, robots that involve movement, such as Amazon warehouse robots and security robots in shopping centers, are commonplace. Robots that appeal to sensibilities can be said to be a culture unique to Japan, but I thought that moving Pepper would greatly expand the scenes that could be used, so I tried SLAM's functions.

Warehouse robot youtube Security robot youtube

What is the SLAM function?

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) means that __self-location estimation __ and environmental mapping are performed at the same time. Roughly speaking, Pepper searches for places where you can move and creates a map of it. It also moves in the specified direction within the specified movable range. This will allow Pepper to roam a particular area, allowing them to move around and perform more dynamic tasks, such as explaining exhibits. It can be said that it is a function that can bring out the potential of Pepper.

__Sensor to use __

image Actually, I tried to verify which sensor Pepper uses to map in the search of SLAM.

Various sensors are attached to Pepper. This time, I focused on the sensors that will be used when creating the map below and hid them one by one.

Part Sensor name number
Forehead / mouth RGB camera 2
Eye 3D sensor 1
leg Laser sensor 6
leg Sonar sensor 2
leg Infrared sensor 2


What Pepper used to map SLAM was They were ___ sonar sensor ___ and __ laser sensor __. By the way, if you start (Wake up) Pepper with these two sensors hidden, you will be asked to restart by saying something like "Oh, my legs aren't working well and I can't move." Verification began by hiding the sensor after it started successfully. Of course, from the Pepper side, I recognized that the surrounding area was full of obstacles, so after that, I did not move a step and created a map using only __ "laser sensor" __.

FullSizeRender 2.jpg

For more information on slums. It is described below in SOFTBANK ROBOTICS DOCUMENTATION. NAO qi APIs ALNavigation¶

In the next article, I will write about the actual implementation. Try Pepper NAOqi OS 2.5.5 SLAM function ~ Part 2

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