Introducing New Relic to Java apps running on Heroku

I didn't find many articles in Japanese, so I worked while looking at New Relic's official documentation. It will be a memorandum.

Added New Relic APM

You can use the heroku command or the Configure Add-ons on the screen, so add the New Relic add-on. (Since I will go to the management screen of New Relic later, it may be easier from the screen ...?)

Introduced Java Agent

Normally, the key will load ** newrelic.yml ** in the same directory as the jar, but we will install a Java Agent to avoid git management of the key.

Register the app name

Register the app name in Config Vars on Heroku with the key ** NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME **. If it is settings.gradle or pom, I think that it should be described in artifactId.

heroku config:set NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME="APP_NAME"

Register key

You can get the key from New Relic's admin screen. スクリーンショット 2019-09-28 18.06.59.png Select APM スクリーンショット 2019-09-28 18.09.14.png When you select Java, this screen will appear, so press "Reveal license key" to get the key. Then register with the key ** NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY **.


Gradle settings

In the case of Maven, it is as described on the official document side, and in the case of Gradle, the operation was confirmed as follows.


dependencies {
  compileOnly ''

(At the time of writing, 5.7.0 was the latest.)

Introduced newrelic.jar

The jar is obtained from the management screen of New Relic earlier. スクリーンショット 2019-09-28 18.09.14 2.png When you press the link, the zip will drop, so unzip it and place only "** newrelic.jar **" in the project doco. (Since it is described in the Procfile, I think it can be anywhere.)

Procfile changes

Finally, add the ** javaagent ** option to your Procfile. For example, in Springboot, if newrelic.jar is placed directly under the project


web: java -jar build/libs/app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar



web: java -javaagent:newrelic.jar -jar build/libs/app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

It will be.


After deploying, you will see a screen like this in 5 minutes at the longest, and you will be able to see Web transactions time etc. by selecting the application.

スクリーンショット 2019-09-28 18.32.12.png

Thank you for your hard work.


It seems to use more memory than I expected. .. .. In the case of my app, I gave up the operation because ** Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded) ** occurred probably because Spring Batch is also running. The memory used will increase with wrinkles.

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