It's not just a matter of fact.
This is because the container for each area that was raised by hand salt has disappeared.
The installer took my hand and led me as usual.
Let's put in WSL2?
I asked.
No, I thought it was okay because I was satisfied, so I pressed the close button at the top right of the window with the intention of canceling.
And the installation is finished.
Then the restart started without permission.
You haven't done that before, right?
I have a bad feeling.
The reboot is over.
After that, I don't remember whether I started Docker myself or started it without permission.
Panic skips people's memories.
When you open the dashboard, you can see what it looks like during a clean installation.
I googled.
No direct clues were available.
While investigating where the image is, the containerers are sleeping in the virtual disk image under Hyper-V.
Now that I understand the meaning a little, I googled and found it, thinking that I should return to the operation via Hyper-V.
How to switch back to Hyper-V after switching to WSL2 with Docker Desktop for Windows.
Is that easy? While thinking, uncheck "Use the WSL 2 based engine" and wait for about 1 minute?
The above picture is checked, but unchecked it is "Aplly & Restart".
I knew from the indicator at the bottom left of the window that the restart started immediately, but the round and round was long.
And the round and round was released and the indicator returned to "Docker running".
When I close the setting screen, I'm afraid ...
Welcome back-everyone, are you okay?
I haven't launched any container yet. While praying for a safe start, I am posting that if there is someone who is pale due to the same thing, it can be done so easily. 90% moves, though.
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