Disposable PHP with Docker



To build a disposable PHP environment


Directory structure

┗ [docker]
  ┗ [php73]
    ┣ Dockerfile
    ┗ [src]
      ┗ index.php

Create Dockerfile

Search dockerhub for the base image in advance.


FROM php:7.3.22-apache-stretch
COPY src/ /var/www/html

RUN apt-get update

Build an image from a Dockerfile

$ cd /d/docker/php73
$ docker build --tag=hellophp .

View a list of images to see if there is a build

$ docker image ls

Launch the container from the image

$ docker run -p 5000:80 --name myphp -d hellophp

Check the IP address of your Docker machine

Docker-Toolbox is not localhost. You need to know the IP address of your Docker machine.

$ docker-machine ls

Operation check

It can be accessed by the combination of the confirmed IP address and the port number on the host side when the container is started.

http://{IP address}:5000

Clean up

Check the ID of the container and stop it.

$ docker ps
$ docker stop {CONTAINER ID}


You can also delete containers that you no longer use.

$ docker ps -a
$ docker rm {CONTAINER ID}

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