Try running cloudera manager with docker


I tried running cloudera manager on docker with reference to the following information.


There are many errors after startup, but the cause has not been confirmed. It may be a single configuration or the settings may not be sufficient.


Get the image from docker hub.

docker pull cloudera/quickstart:latest

Container startup

docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera \
   --privileged=true -t -i -d  -p 7180 -p 80 \
  cloudera/quickstart:latest /usr/bin/docker-quickstart

Process confirmation

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
8373020c70c9        cloudera/quickstart:latest   "/usr/bin/docker-qui…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>80/tcp,>7180/tcp   gracious_spence

Port 80 for the tutorial page and port 7180 for the Cloudera Manager administration page are mapped to host operating systems 32771 and 32770, respectively.

Log in to the container.

docker exec -it 8373020c70c9 bash

Start cloudera manager.

[root@quickstart /]# /home/cloudera/cloudera-manager --force --express
[QuickStart] Shutting down CDH services via init scripts...
kafka-server: unrecognized service
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
[QuickStart] Disabling CDH services on boot...
error reading information on service kafka-server: No such file or directory
[QuickStart] Starting Cloudera Manager server...
[QuickStart] Waiting for Cloudera Manager API...
[QuickStart] Starting Cloudera Manager agent...
[QuickStart] Configuring deployment...
Submitted jobs: 14
[QuickStart] Deploying client configuration...
Submitted jobs: 16
[QuickStart] Starting Cloudera Management Service...
Submitted jobs: 24
[QuickStart] Enabling Cloudera Manager daemons on boot...

Success! You can now log into Cloudera Manager from the QuickStart VM's browser:


    Username: cloudera
    Password: cloudera

[root@quickstart /]# 

Access the following URL in your browser.


 The cloudera manager administration page is displayed.


 From the cloudera quick start pull-down menu, select Start to start the cluster.


 I'm getting an error, but that's it.

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