Docker autostart settings with wsl2

I tried using wsl2, and it seems that Docker cannot be set to start automatically. It is troublesome to type the service command every time, so I considered it

Set to sudo so that users can start without a password

$ sudo visudo
# docker deamon auto up
User ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service docker start
When stopped
$ service docker status
 * Docker is not running
At startup
$ service docker status
 * Docker is running

Added to start .bashrc only when docker is not running

$vim .bashrc
echo $(service docker status | awk '{print $4}') #Show startup status
if test $(service docker status | awk '{print $4}') = 'not'; then #State of standstill
        sudo /usr/sbin/service docker start #Start-up

With this setting, when entering wsl2, Docker will start if it is stopped. image.png

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